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(1) Fahrenhei-温度测量刻度;(2) 法拉——电容的测量单位。FIFO***先出存储器缓冲器,存储的***数据是发送给接收器的***数据。在DAQ设备上经常使用FIFO来临时存储传入或传出数据,直到可以检索或输出数据。滤波一种信号调节类型,允许您从试图测量的信号中去除不需要的频率分量。FSR满量程。英尺英尺。

米。MB MB内存。MIO多功能I/O。MISO主控输入从控输出信号。MOSI主输出从输入信号值。分钟(1)分钟;(2) minimum.multiplex将多个输入信号中的一个路由到单个输出。多路复用模式一种SCXI操作模式,其中模拟输入通道被多路复用到一个模块输出中,以便电缆E/M系列DAQ设备能够访问模块的多路复用输出以及机箱中所有其他多路复用模块的输出。


(1) Fahrenheit—a temperature measurement scale; (2) farad—a measurement unit of capacitance. FIFO First-in first-out memory buffer—the first data stored is the first data sent to the acceptor. FIFOs are often used on DAQ devices to temporarily store incoming or outgoing data until that data can be retrieved or output. filtering A type of signal conditioning that allows you to remove unwanted frequency components from the signal you are trying to measure. FSR Full-scale range. ft Feet.

Meters. MB Megabytes of memory. MIO Multifunction I/O. MISO Master-in-slave-out signal. MOSI Master-out-slave-in signal max Maximum. min (1) Minutes; (2) minimum.multiplex To route one of many input signals to a single output. mutliplexed mode An SCXI operating mode in which analog input channels are multiplexed into one module output so that the cabled E/M Series DAQ device has accessed the module’s multiplexed output as well as the outputs of all other multiplexed modules in the chassis.



DSQC541A6560SP-110997  SP-105044  105043-01
DSQC601 3HAC12815-1CON041 PR6423/000-131SP-122972  SP-122967  122969-01
DSQC604CON041 PR6424/000-121SP-122972  SP-122967  122969-01 
DSQC604  3HAC12928-1EN-204 EN-204-00-000SP-142129 135232-04 
DSQC608ES0350.M1A05L.27N0SP-145472 145470 119711-02
DSQC609FX-340SP-145472 145472 119711-02
DSQC609  3HAC14178-1FX-490SP-148540 148539 129736-05
DSQC609 3HAC14178-1  PBSE5117KC3010X1-BA1 12P6762X062SP-148540 148539 129736-05
DSQC611KC3011X1-BA1 12P6749X042SP-151140
DSQC611 3HAC13389-2KJ1501X1-BC1 12P2186X032  VE5008SP-170023 170013 170016-01
DSQC625 3HAC020464-001KJ1501X1-BC2 12P2186X042  VE5008SP-170025  SP-170130  170026-01
DSQC627 3HAC020466-001KJ1501X1-BC2 12P2186X042 VE50081756-IF8

  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元