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型号: 3503E










启用FDL功能的位。这些位在卡脱机时设置。主机将位12 LAY2_CTL_MSG_DIS_LED设置为禁用


主机设置位13 LAY2_CTL_SAP_DIS_LED,以禁用在系统状态LED上显示第2层SAP状态。



The 5136-PFB-VME can send and receive FDL (layer 2) messages. Features include:

? configure up to 64 Service Access Points (SAPs)

? update timeout on any SAP

? supports up to 128 request blocks at one time

? supports periodic and one shot requests

? generates events and optional interrupts on received data change The card must be offline to configure layer 2 SAPs and message blocks. Ensure that the network parameters have been configured before putting the

card online. Refer to section 3.6, Network Parameters for information on what the network parameters are and how to set them. To send FDL messages, the card must be an active station on the network. You can set up and access SAPs even if the card is a passive station.The global control register, lay2Cntrl, in the PROFI_USR structure, contains

bits that enable the FDL functions. These bits must be set when the card is offline. The host sets bit 12, LAY2_CTL_MSG_DIS_LED, to disable the display of

the layer 2 SAP status on the system status LED.

The host sets bit 13, LAY2_CTL_SAP_DIS_LED, to disable the display of the layer 2 SAP status on the system status LED.



3BSE000460R1 PFBO161FC-DCOM-232/485FBM202 P0926EQ
PU515 3BSE013063R1FC-BKM-0001NCNI P0972PP 
HIEE320639R1 HI024049-313 LT 8978B V1F860-CA CP60 P0961FR
HIEE400109R1 HI022755-310 CS A465 AE01DC-TFB412 51307618-176FCM10E P0914YM
086369-001DC-TFB402  51307616-176P0972VA
3HNA013638-001 SMU-03DC-TCF901 51307593-176P0904AK
CS31 FPR3315101R1032CC-TDOB11 51308373-175FBM3A/33A P0500RU
3HAC14549-3CC-TCNT01 51308307-175 FBM4/39/44 P0500RY
TC530 3BUR000101R1CC-TCNT01 51308307-175FCP270 P0917YZ

  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元