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产品标题: 通用电气 DS200DTBBG1ABB电路板电源模块




功能阶段I0>阶段I0>>阶段?一> 启动电流0.1…0.8 x In 0.1…10.0 x In和∞ 10…100%和∞ 开始时间,典型值。70 ms 50 ms 150 ms在确定的0.05…300 s 0.05…300秒1…300 s时间特性时间/电流特性在反向模式下***inv.非常inv.正常inv.长时间inv.RI型inv.RXIDG型inv.时间乘数k 0.05…1.0




Feature Stage I0> Stage I0>> Stage ?I> Start current 0.1…0.8 x In 0.1…10.0 x In and ∞ 10…100% and ∞ Start time, typ. 70 ms 50 ms 150 ms Operate time at definite 0.05…300 s 0.05…300 s 1…300 s time characteristic Time/current characteristic Extremely inv. at inverse mode Very inv. Normal inv. Long-time inv. RI type inv. RXIDG type inv. Time multiplier k 0.05…1.0

The registers of the main menu and the submenus contain all parameters that can be set. The settings are made in the so called setting mode, which is accessible from the main menu or a submenu by pressing the PROGRAM push button, until the whole display starts flashing. This position indicates the value of the parameter before it has been altered. By pressing the PROGRAM push button the programming sequence moves forward one step.

At the same time the module puts forward a control signal to the output relay of the self-supervision system of the protection relay. In most fault situations a fault code, indicating the nature of the fault, appears on the display of the module. The fault code, which consists of a red figure "1" and a three digit green code number, cannot be removed from the display by resetting.



  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元