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HIMAF3330ESD 8通道 带端子板

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产品标题: 数字量输出模块HIMAF3330ESD 8通道 带端子板

型号: F3330

品牌: HIMA


注意,在Little Endian设备中,存储器的***有效字节在多字节写入后存储在***字节地址中(如图示的L字传输),而反射存储器的有效字节在这种传输后存储在字节地址中。相反,处理器认为从***字节地址检索的数据是多字节读取后的***有效字节。从字节地址检索的数据被认为是有效字节。将图1-2中的Little Endian Pentium的行为与使用Big Endian处理器(如第30页图1-3中的Motorola 68040)的相同L字传输进行对比。注意,Big Endian 68040以与Little Endian Pentium微处理器完全不同的方式处理相同的L字传输。在多字节传输(如图示的Lword传输)期间,Big Endian处理器将其***有效字节写入内存中的字节地址,而其有效字节写入***地址。在读取操作期间,情况正好相反:***字节地址中的数据被认为是的,而地址中的字节被认为是***的。


Note that in Little Endian devices, the Memory’s least significant byte is stored in the lowest byte address after a multiple-byte write (such as the Lword transfer illustrated), while the Reflective Memory’s most significant byte is stored in the highest byte address after such transfers. Conversely, the processor considers data retrieved from the lowest byte address to be the least significant byte after a multiple-byte read. Data retrieved from the highest byte address is considered to be the most significant byte. Contrast the behavior of the Little Endian Pentium in Figure 1-2 with the same Lword transfer using a Big Endian processor like the Motorola 68040 in Figure 1-3 on page 30. Note that the Big Endian 68040 handles the same Lword transfer in a completely different manner than the Little Endian Pentium microprocessor. During a multiple-byte transfer like the Lword transfer illustrated, a Big Endian processor writes its least significant byte in the highest byte address in memory, while its most significant byte is written to the lowest address. The converse is true during read operations: the data in the lowest byte address is considered to be the most significant, while the byte in the highest address is considered to be the least significant.



IPMON01PR6423/013-030 CON0212713P-T7WD1
IPSYS01PR6423/014-121 CON031315116-A05
KSML92S1450-W-MC1 IEC60945PR6423/015-111 CON041320087-A06
LL02 LL 02PR6423/01R-111 CON031321131-A01
LZ01 LZ 01PR6423/01R-111 CON03151404127-250
LZ02 LZ 02PR6423/10R-010 CON0215370-CVIM
MA01 MA 01PR6424/000-030 CON0216155R-14S2KH
MA03 MA 03PR6424/000-040 CON0216181F-15TSXP
MA12 MA 12PR6424/000-121 CON0416181P-17TPXPH
MAG-XM 50XM2000PR6424/000-121 CON0416186M-15PT
MAI32MADPR6424/004-010 CON02174101-181-51

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