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Bently 3500/15 127610-01可控硅

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产品标题: Bently 3500/15 127610-01可控硅模块中文说明工控DCS系统自动化设备

型号: 3500/15 127610-01

品牌: Bently


Bently 3500/15 127610-01可控硅模块中文说明工控DCS系统自动化设备旋转路径使用旋转路径命令,可以旋转***路径并相应地移动路径所使用的目标。旋转路径时,包含的目标将丢失其轴配置(如果已***)。在开始旋转路径命令之前,框架或目标存在于要旋转的位置。平移路径平移路径函数移动路径和所有包含的目标。补偿刀具半径的路径您可以偏移路径,以便补偿旋转刀具的半径。由于路径中的目标已移动,因此如果已***任何轴配置,它们将丢失其轴配置。Bently 3500/15 127610-01可控硅模块中文说明工控DCS系统自动化设备


Bently 3500/15 127610-01可控硅模块中文说明工控DCS系统自动化设备otating paths With the rotate path command you can rotate complete paths and move the targets used by the paths accordingly. When rotating paths, the included targets will lose their axis configurations, if any have been assigned. A frame or target must exist at the position to rotate around before starting the rotate path command.Translating a path The translate path function moves a path and all included targets.Compensating paths for tool radius You can offset a path so that it compensates for the radius of a rotating tool. Since the targets in the path are moved, they will lose their axis configurations, if any have been assigned.Bently 3500/15 127610-01可控硅模块中文说明工控DCS系统自动化设备



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  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元
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