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PR6423/10R-111 振动探头

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产品标题: PR6423/10R-111 振动探头


品牌: 艾默生




转速监测: PR9376+RSMO10(RSMO20/RSMO40),带保护2.5.2轴向位移: PR6424+CO+SDM010/S1,带保护2.5.3胀差: PR6426+CO+SDM010/S12.5.4 轴振动:PR6423+CON021+VBM010/MMS6110 垂直轴振

轴承振动(垂直方向): PR9268+VBMO30/MMS6120(瓦振采用MMS6120,双通道:  瓦振采用 VBMO30,单通道)。

偏心:PR6423+CON021+SEM010,由RSM010键相通道(2 通道)提供键相信号。

采用MMS6000系列产品测量汽轮机转速、轴向位移、胀差、轴振动、轴承振动、偏心,具体配置如下:2.6.1 转速测量、监测:PR9376+MMS6312,带保护2.6.2轴向位移:PR6424+CO+MMS6210,带保护2.6.3胀差:PR6426+CO+MMS62102.6.4轴振动:PR6423+CO+MMS6110。目前,瓦振、轴振采用串、并联的方式实现振动大停机保护。


Working principle:

The eddy current sensor and the preamplifier form an oscillator, and the amplitude decays as the sensor probe approaches the metal object being measured. The amplitude of the attenuation is proportional to the distance between the sensor and the object being measured. Before leaving the factory, the calibration material 42CrMo4 has been used to perform a complete linear calibration of the sensor and proximitor, so there is no need for further calibration during installation. The user only needs to adjust the air gap between the sensor and the measuring surface until the desired signal is obtained from the output of the front mount.

Speed monitoring: PR9376+RSMO10 (RSMO20/RSMO40), with protection 2.5.2 Axial displacement: PR6424+CO+SDM010/S1, with protection 2.5.3 Differential expansion: PR6426+CO+SDM010/S12.5.4 Shaft vibration: PR6423+CON021+VBM010/MMS6110 Vertical shaft vibration

Bearing vibration (vertical direction): PR9268+VBMO30/MMS6120 (bearing vibration adopts MMS6120, dual channel: bearing vibration adopts VBMO30, single channel).

Eccentricity: PR6423+CON021+SEM010, keyed signal provided by RSM010 keyphasor channel (2 channels).

The MMS6000 series products are used to measure the turbine speed, axial displacement, differential expansion, shaft vibration, bearing vibration, and eccentricity. The specific configuration is as follows: 2.6.1 Speed measurement and monitoring: PR9376+MMS6312, with protection. 2.6.2 Axial displacement: PR6424+CO+MMS6210, with protection. 2.6.3 Differential expansion: PR6426+CO+MMS6210. 2.6.4 Shaft vibration: PR6423+CO+MMS6110. At present, the vibration of bearings and shafts is achieved through series and parallel connection to achieve vibration shutdown protection.



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  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元