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产品标题: Rockwell T8151C通讯模块适配器T8153C

型号: T8151C

品牌: ICS







The TRICONEX safety control system is the most advanced fault-tolerant controller based on the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) structure. TMR is a control system that integrates three isolated and parallel operations, and performs extensive diagnostics in each independent control system. The system adopts a two out of three logical voting method, providing highly complete, error free, and uninterrupted process operation, without causing system failure due to single point failures.

The MP controller adopts three independent channels, each of which executes the application program independently in parallel with the other two channels. All digital input/output signals from the field are voted through patented hardware voting devices, while analog signals are processed through intermediate value selection. Because each channel is isolated from other channels, Single point of failure of any channel will not affect other channels. If a hardware failure occurs in one channel and other channels ignore it. During this period, the controller can easily plug, unplug, and replace faulty modules online without interruption.

The use of the system is very simple because from the user's perspective, the operation of the TMR system is the same as that of a single channel control system. Users can connect sensors and actuators to a single wiring terminal, simply write a set of application logic, and the rest of the work is managed and processed by the control system.

The system conducts extensive diagnosis on each independent sub circuit, module, and functional circuit, monitoring and reporting operational errors. All diagnostic information in the application and operation is stored. These diagnostic data can be used by programmers to modify the execution of the controller or directly perform process maintenance.



 SNAT 0100-6B  61054588 5761852-3BFC-FE-USI-0002ADV159-P01
6638910B1   638910B1PS0084FC-DCOM-232/485ADM12 S4
PU515A 3BSE032401R1FC-BKM-0001ADM52-2 S4
XI16E1 1SBP260100R1001CC-TAIX11 51308365-175AMM22 S3
3HNE00313-1DC-TFB412 51307618-176AMM32 S3
YT296000-MZ  YXU149B  DC-TFB402  51307616-176AMM32J S1
DSMB144 57360001-ELDC-TCF901 51307593-176AMM42 S3
C1900/0263/0260A  C1900/0263CC-TDOB11 51308373-175AMM42 S4
DSMB151 57360001-KCC-TCNT01 51308307-175 ADM51-2 S4
YXU149  YT296000-RXCC-TCNT01 51308307-175PW482-11

  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元