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HIMA黑马F3236输出模件 F3330

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产品标题: HIMA黑马F3236输出模件8通道输出模块 F3330 

型号: F3236

品牌: HIMA





HIMA的PES主要包括H41q和H51q两个系列,它们基于同样的硬件和软件,是第三代经生产实践验证的HIMA PES系统。


HIMA的H41q/H51q系统为CPU四重化结构(QMR-Quadruple Modular Redundant),即系统的中央控制单元共有四个微处理器,



H41q/H51q series: German original Black Horse F3226PC board

High availability, flexible configuration of the SIL3 system, designed for industrial processes that require high safety levels and continuous operation.

HIMA's PES mainly includes two series, H41q and H51q, which are based on the same hardware and software and are the third generation of HIMA PES systems that have been verified in production practice.

It can use a personal computer for flexible user configuration, monitoring, and event recording, and its excellent performance provides * * * safe control guarantee for production control.

The H41q/H51q system of HIMA adopts a CPU quadruple modular redundant structure (QMR Quadruple Modular Redundant), which means that the central control unit of the system consists of four microprocessors,

Every two microprocessors are integrated onto a single CU module, and two identical CU modules form the central control unit. A CU module constitutes a 1oo2D structure, and HIMA's 1oo2D structure products can meet the safety standards of AK6/SIL3. In order to provide users with * * * high availability, a dual 1oo2D structure, i.e. a 2oo4D structure, is adopted. In the case of redundant structure, the high-speed dual RAM interface (DPR) enables communication between two central units, thereby solving the problem of limited fault free repair time.



1948021A18C-PAON01 51454357-175PR6423/100-141 CON041
1948022A18C-PAOHA1 51454469-275PR6423/103-141 CON041
1948024G18C-PAOH51 51454355-175PR6423/105-141 CON041
1948028C18C-PAINA1 51454470-175PR6424/104-141 CON041
6632003A18C-PAIN01 51454356-175 PR6423/004-111 CON041 
6632094A18C-PAIN01 51454356-175PR6423/106-OF1
HS8108C-PAIMA1 51454473-175PR6423/015-111  CON041
PL8108C-PAIH51 51454352-175PR6424/000-101 CON031

  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元