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TSI系统 PR9350/02 缸胀传感器

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汽轮机TSI系统 PR9350/02 缸胀传感器




The structure of PLC and the functions of each part

There are various types of PLCs, and their functions and instruction systems are also different. However, their structure and working principles are similar, usually consisting of several main components such as the host, input/output interfaces, power extender interfaces, and external device interfaces. The hardware system of PLCs

1. Host

The host part includes the central processing unit (CPU), system program memory, and user program and data memory. The CPU is the core of PLC, which is used to run user programs, monitor the status of input/output interfaces, make logical judgments, and perform data processing. It reads input variables, completes various operations specified by user instructions, sends the results to the output end, responds to requests from external devices (such as computers, printers, etc.), and makes various internal judgments. There are two types of internal memory in PLC, one is system program memory, Mainly storing system management and monitoring programs, as well as programs for compiling and processing user programs. The system programs have been fixed by the manufacturer and cannot be changed by users; The other type is user programs and data storage, which mainly store user generated application programs, various temporary data, and intermediate results.

2. Input/Output (I/O) interface

The I/O interface is a component that connects the PLC to input/output devices. The input interface receives control signals from input devices such as buttons, sensors, contacts, travel switches, etc. The output interface is to drive output devices (such as contactors, solenoid valves, indicator lights, etc.) through the power amplifier circuit based on the processed results of the host. I/O interfaces generally use optoelectronic coupling circuits to reduce electromagnetic interference and improve reliability. The number of I/O points, or input/output terminals, is a major technical indicator of PLC. Typically, small machines have dozens of points, medium machines have hundreds of points, and large machines will exceed a thousand points.

3. Power supply

The power supply in the figure refers to a DC switch regulated power supply configured for the operation of internal electronic circuits such as CPU, memory, I/O interface, etc. It usually also provides DC power for input devices.

4. Programming

Programming is the use of external devices by PLC for users to input, check, modify, debug programs, or monitor the operation of the PLC. Connect the PLC to the computer through dedicated PC/PPI cables, and use dedicated software for computer programming and monitoring.

5. Input/output expansion unit

The I/O expansion interface is used to connect the expansion unit that expands the number of external input/output terminals with the basic unit (i.e. the host).

6. External device interface

This interface can connect external devices such as printers, barcode scanners, frequency converters, and the host to complete corresponding operations.

The host model provided for the experimental device is CPU224 (AC/DC/RELAY) of Siemens S7-200 series. The input points are 14 and the output points are 10; CPU226 (AC/DC/RELAY), with 26 input points and 14 output points.



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