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330730-040-00-00 本特利

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330730-040-00-00 3500/62前置器模块本特利

分类: Bently本特利

型号: 330730-040-00-00

详细描述:本特利330730-040-01-00 3300 XL 11 毫米延长线

产品类型:3300 XL 11 毫米延长电缆
可添加原产地证书 (COO)
电缆长度选项:040 = 4.0 米(13.1 英尺)
连接器和电缆选项:00 = 标准电缆
机构批准选项:00 = 不需要
推荐的小目标尺寸:30.5 毫米(1.2 英寸)直径(平面目标)

3300 XL 11 mm 接近传感器设计用于测量位置或

0 至 8 kHz 频率范围内的振动。这个的典型应用





Bentley 3300 XL 11mm 接近传感器系统旨在取代 7200 系列 11 毫米和 14 毫米换能器系统。从 7200 系列升级时 系统到 3300 XL 11 毫米系统,每个组件都更换为 3300 XL 11 毫米组件。此外,更新监控系统。如果使用 3500 监控 系统,列出 3300 XL 11 mm 的配置软件的更新版本 换能器系统作为兼容选项是必需的。现有的 3300 监控系统可能需要修改。

Detailed description: Bentley 330730-040-01-00 3300 XL 11mm extension cable

Product number: 330730-040-00-00

Product Type: 3300 XL 11mm Extension Cable

Made in the United States

Certificate of origin (COO) can be added

Cable length option: 040=4.0 meters (13.1 feet)

Connector and cable options: 00=standard cable

Institutional approval option: 00=not required

Recommended minimum target size: 30.5 millimeters (1.2 inches) diameter (flat target)

The 3300 XL 11 mm proximity sensor is designed for measuring position or

Vibration within the frequency range of 0 to 8 kHz. Typical application of this

The system includes radial vibration and position, axial position, and keyphasor measurement.

Although the terminals and connectors on the proximitor have

Prevent electrostatic discharge and take reasonable preventive measures

To avoid generating static electricity during the processing.

The Bentley 3300 XL 11mm Proximity Sensor System is designed to replace the 7200 series 11mm and 14mm transducer systems. When upgrading from the 7200 series system to the 3300 XL 11mm system, each component must be replaced with a 3300 XL 11mm component. In addition, the monitoring system must be updated. If using a 3500 monitoring system, it is necessary to list the updated version of the 3300 XL 11 mm configuration software transducer system as a compatibility option. The existing 3300 monitoring system may need to be modified.



BENTLY NEVADA3500/50M 286566-02EMERSONPR6423/000-000 CON011
BENTLY NEVADA3500/50M 286566-02 EMERSONPR6423/000-010 CON021
BENTLY NEVADA3500/53 133388-01EMERSONPR6423/000-010 CON021 
BENTLY NEVADA3500/53M 286566-01EMERSONPR6423/000-030 CON021
BENTLY NEVADA3500/50 133388-02EMERSONPR6423/000-131 CON04

  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元