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● 基于霍尼韦尔的HMlWeb技术
● 支持中文界面
● 可方案图,控制策略设计图的实时监视显示PlantCruise软件
● 监控软件提供高速缓存区的实时动态数据存取、趋势、报警/事件处理、管理、报表报告生成等功能
● 系组态环境PlantCruise组态工作室包括:
◎ 企业模型组态软件Simplified Enterprise ModeIBuilder,对企业中的资产按分级结构直观地描、显示
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◎ 系统资源组态软件Quick Builder,用于创建系统硬件
◎ 用户画面组态软件HMIWeb Display BuiIde,用于创建基于HTML格式的操作员图形界面

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● 基于PC的仿真控制器环境,无须控制器硬件


bently 3500/42M 位移/速度加速度监测:型号3500/42-01-00(前面板176449-02,后背板128229-01)



 本特利3500/42监测器为4通道监测器,可接收来自电涡流式位移传感器和速度、加速度传感器( Proximitor and Seismic Transducers)的信号输入,并根据此输入去驱动报警。3500/42经过3500框架组态软件编程可完成如下测量功能:径向振动、轴向位置、偏心、差胀、加速度、速度。该模块可接收多种传感器的输入,其中包括以下本特利内华达公司的传感器:
a) 模块中的硬件故障。
b) 结点电压故障。
c) 传感器故障。
d) 组态故障。
e) 插槽ID故障。
f) 键相器故障(如果键相位信号组态给每一对通道)。
g) 通道非OK。
径向振动:  3.94 mV/μm (100 mV/mil) 或  7.87 mV/μm (200 mV/mil)。
轴位移:    3.94 mV/μm (100 mV/mil) 或  7.87 mV/μm (200 mV/mil)。
偏心:      3.94 mV/μm (100 mV/mil) 或  7.87 mV/μm (200 mV/mil)。
差胀:     0.394 mV/μm (10 mV/mil) 或  0.787 mV/μm (20 mV/mil)。
REBAM®: 40 mV/μm (1000 mV/mil) 或  80 mV/μm (2000 mV/mil)。
双加速度:  10 mV/(m/s2) (100 mV/g)。
双速度:    20 mV/(mm/s) pk (500 mV/(in/s) pk) 或 5.8 mV/(mm/s) pk (145 mV/(in/s) pk) 或 4 mV/(mm/s) pk (100 mV/(in/s) pk)。
轴振动,径向振动: 3.94 mV/μm (100 mV/mil) 或  7.87 mV/μm (200 mV/mil)。
轴振动, 通频值:  3.94 mV/μm (100 mV/mil) 或  7.87 mV/μm (200 mV/mil)。
轴振动, 速度:    20 mV/(mm/s) pk (500 mV/(in/s) pk) 或 5.8 mV/(mm/s) pk (145 mV/(in/s) pk) 或 4 mV/(mm/s) pk (100 mV/(in/s) pk)。
A: I/O 模块类型  0 1 带内部端子的位移/速度加速度I/O 模块
  0 4 带内部栅(4×位移/加速度通道)和内部端子的I/O 模块
  0 5 带内部栅(2×位移/加速度+2×速度计通道)和内部端子的I/O 模块
  0 7 带内部端子的轴振动I/O 模块
  0 9 带内部端子的位移/速度计I/O 模块
B:  批准机构选项 0 0    无 0 1    CSA/NRTL/C

140734-02  3500/42M 位移/速度加速度监测器。
128229-01  位移/速度加速度I/O 模块,带内部端子。


@The Bentley 3500/42M displacement/velocity and acceleration monitor is a 4-channel monitor that can receive eddy current displacement sensors and velocity and acceleration sensors

The Bentley 3500/42 monitor is a 4-channel monitor that can receive signal inputs from eddy current displacement sensors, velocity and acceleration sensors, and drive alarms based on this input. 3500/42 can complete the following measurement functions through programming with the 3500 rack configuration software: radial vibration, axial position, eccentricity, differential expansion, acceleration, and speed. This module can receive inputs from various sensors, including the following Bentley Nevada sensors:

The main function of the bently3500/42 monitor is to provide 1) continuous comparison of the current mechanical vibration with configured alarm setpoints to drive alarms to protect the machinery, and 2) basic mechanical vibration information for operators and maintenance personnel. The alarm setpoints are configured through the 3500 rack configuration software. Alarm setpoints can be configured for each valid proportional value, while for danger setpoints, only two of all valid proportional values can be configured. When sent from the manufacturing plant, 3500/42 was not configured. When needed, 3500/42 can be installed in the 3500 rack and configured to complete the required monitoring functions. This allows you to store a single monitor for various application conditions.

Available data

The eddy current displacement sensor/velocity and acceleration sensor monitor returns specific proportional values based on the configured channel type. The monitor also returns the status values of both the monitor and the channel, which is the same for all types of channels.

Status value

The following are the states generated by displacement/velocity and acceleration monitors. This article describes the available states and where to find them.

Monitor status 0K

It indicates whether the monitor is functioning properly. A non OK status will be returned in any of the following situations:

a) Hardware failure in the module.

b) Node voltage fault.

c) Sensor failure.

d) Configuration failure.

e) Slot ID fault.

f) Keyphasor failure (if the keyphasor signal is configured for each pair of channels).

g) The channel is not OK.

If the monitor OK status becomes non OK, the system OK relay of the framework interface I/O module will be driven to non OK.


Radial vibration: 3.94 mV/ μ M (100 mV/mil) or 7.87 mV/ μ m (200 mV/mil)。

Axis displacement: 3.94 mV/ μ M (100 mV/mil) or 7.87 mV/ μ m (200 mV/mil)。

Eccentricity: 3.94 mV/ μ M (100 mV/mil) or 7.87 mV/ μ m (200 mV/mil)。

Differential expansion: 0.394 mV/ μ M (10 mV/mil) or 0.787 mV/ μ m (20 mV/mil)。

REBAM ®: 40 mV/ μ M (1000 mV/mil) or 80 mV/ μ m (2000 mV/mil)。

Dual acceleration: 10 mV/(m/s2) (100 mV/g).

Dual speed: 20 mV/(mm/s) pk (500 mV/(in/s) pk) or 5.8 mV/(mm/s) pk (145 mV/(in/s) pk) or 4 mV/(mm/s) pk (100 mV/(in/s) pk).

Shaft absolute vibration, radial vibration: 3.94 mV/ μ M (100 mV/mil) or 7.87 mV/ μ m (200 mV/mil)。

Shaft absolute vibration, pass frequency value: 3.94 mV/ μ M (100 mV/mil) or 7.87 mV/ μ m (200 mV/mil)。

Shaft absolute vibration, speed: 20 mV/(mm/s) pk (500 mV/(in/s) pk) or 5.8 mV/(mm/s) pk (145 mV/(in/s) pk) or 4 mV/(mm/s) pk (100 mV/(in/s) pk).

Displacement/velocity acceleration monitor


Option Description

A: I/O module type 0 1 displacement/velocity acceleration I/O module with internal terminals

0 4 with internal safety barrier (4 × I/O module for displacement/acceleration channels and internal terminals

0 5 with internal safety barrier (2 × Displacement/acceleration+2 × I/O module for speedometer channels and internal terminals

0 7 Shaft Absolute Vibration I/O Module with Internal Terminations

0 9 displacement/velocity meter I/O module with internal terminals

B: Approval Authority Option 0 0 No 0 1 CSA/NRTL/C

140734-02 3500/42M displacement/velocity acceleration monitor.

128229-01 displacement/velocity acceleration I/O module with internal terminals.







bently 3500/42M 位移/速度加速度监测:型号3500/42-01-00(前面板176449-02,后背板128229-01)



3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器

3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器

3500/63 气体监测器

3500/92 通讯网关

3500/93 LCD 显示装置

3500/94 VGA 显示装置

3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动

3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置


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IOD86-MEMPR6423/013-020 CON0212711-T9C1X
IPMON01PR6423/013-030 CON0212713P-T7WD1
IPSYS01PR6423/014-121 CON031315116-A05
KSML92S1450-W-MC1 IEC60945PR6423/015-111 CON041320087-A06
LL02 LL 02PR6423/01R-111 CON031321131-A01
LZ01 LZ 01PR6423/01R-111 CON03151404127-250
LZ02 LZ 02PR6423/10R-010 CON0215370-CVIM
MA01 MA 01PR6424/000-030 CON0216155R-14S2KH

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