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● 基于霍尼韦尔的HMlWeb技术
● 支持中文界面
● 可视方案图,控制策略设计图的实时监视显示PlantCruise软件
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● 系组态环境PlantCruise组态工作室包括:
◎ 企业模型组态软件Simplified Enterprise ModeIBuilder,对企业中的资产按分级结构直观地描、显示
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◎ 系统资源组态软件Quick Builder,用于创建系统硬件
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● 多种其它应用(Uniformance PHD、eServer、EBM等)PlantCruise仿真控制器(SIM)
● 仿真PlantCruise系统
● 基于PC的仿真控制器环境,无须控制器硬件


3500/22-01-01-05( 138607-01+146031-01)框架系统振动监测电源模块



3500  /32M 4 通道继电器模块 提供四个继电器输出和高度可配置的继电器逻辑接口。四个输出中的每一个都可以独立编程,以通过为每个继电器配置警报驱动逻辑来启用投票。3500 机械保护系统内的所有通道  都可用于使用 Not OK 状态以及 3500/32M 内的警报和危险设置点来驱动复杂逻辑。3500/32M 为高度可配置的 AND/OR 逻辑组合提供易于使用的界面,包括“正常”和“真”和表决选项以及闭锁继电器通道选项。

3500/33 16 通道继电器模块 提供 16 个继电器输出,具有高度可配置的继电器逻辑接口。十六个输出中的每一个都可以独立编程,以通过为每个继电器配置警报驱动逻辑来启用投票。3500 机械保护系统 内的所有通道 都可用于使用 Not OK 状态以及 3500/33 内的警报和危险设置点来驱动复杂逻辑。3500/33 为高度可配置的 AND/OR 逻辑组合提供易于使用的界面,包括“正常”和“真”和表决选项以及闭锁继电器通道选项。


3500/40M 前置器? 监视器 接受来自本特利内华达 3300XL 系列前置器和地震传感器的输入,对信号进行调节以提供振动和位置测量,并将调节后的信号与用户可编程的设***进行比较,这些设***可以驱动 3500 继电器模块中的警报和继电器逻辑。还提供外部终端和内部屏障版本。3300XL 前置器测量是本特利内华达汽轮机监测仪表 (TSI) 汽轮机传感器套件的组成部分。可以使用 3500 机架配置软件对每个通道进行编程,以保护机械并监控径向振动、推力位置、膨胀差、偏心率、加速度、速度、轴值和圆接受区域参数的条件。

Bently Nevada 的 3500/42M 前置器/地震监测器 为 3500 系统提供四个可编程通道,接受来自前置器和地震传感器的输入。然后 3500/42M 调节信号以提供振动和位置测量,并将调节后的信号与用户可编程的警报进行比较。此外,每个通道都可以使用 3500 机架配置软件进行编程,以保护机械并监控径向振动、推力位置、膨胀差、偏心率、加速度、速度、轴值和圆接受区域参数的条件。

3500  /44M 航改型燃气轮机监测器 是用于 3500 系统的四通道航改型燃气轮机 (GT) 振动监测器。振动监测器接受四个振动通道。每个通道对都可以根据来自 3500 机架的***多四个不同的键相输入应用自己的跟踪滤波器。该监视器处理来自 Velomitor? 和加速度计的信号,过滤测量值,允许信号积分,并产生 1X 振动跟踪和带通振动,这对燃气轮机应用非常有用。Vibration Monitor 满足 Baker Hughes、Rolls Royce、United Technologies 和其他 OEM 的燃气轮机制造要求。

我们的 3500/46M Hydro Monitor 专为保护和监控水轮发电机而设计。3500/46M 处理来自前置器、地震、动态压力和气隙传感器的信号。谨慎的输入触点可以识别机械模式,例如粗载区并自动进行数据采集和警报。也可提供外部终端。3500/46M Hydro Monitor 还调节输入并将信号与水力径向振动 (RV)、水力气隙、水力速度、水力加速度、水力推力、水力定子端绕组 (SEW) 振动的警报设***进行比较;和动态压力。多模式设置适用于所有可用的通道类型。


3500 Mechanical Protection System Relay Body Monitor

The 3500/32M 4-channel relay module provides four relay outputs and highly configurable relay logic interfaces. Each of the four outputs can be independently programmed to enable voting by configuring alarm drive logic for each relay. All channels within the 3500 Mechanical Protection System can be used to drive complex logic using Not OK status and alarm and danger setpoints within the 3500/32M. The 3500/32M provides an easy-to-use interface for highly configurable AND/OR logic combinations, including "normal" and "true" and voting options, as well as blocking relay channel options.

The 3500/33 16 channel relay module provides 16 relay outputs with highly configurable relay logic interfaces. Each of the sixteen outputs can be independently programmed to enable voting by configuring alarm drive logic for each relay. All channels within the 3500 Mechanical Protection System can be used to drive complex logic using Not OK status and alarm and danger setpoints within the 3500/33. The 3500/33 provides an easy-to-use interface for highly configurable AND/OR logic combinations, including "normal" and "true" and voting options, as well as blocking relay channel options.

3500 Mechanical Protection System Vibration Input Monitor

3500/40M Proximitor? The monitor accepts inputs from Bently Nevada 3300XL series proximitors and seismic sensors, adjusts the signal to provide various vibration and position measurements, and compares the adjusted signal with user programmable devices that can drive alarms and relay logic in the 3500 relay module. External terminal and internal barrier versions are also available. The 3300XL Proximitor Measurement is an integral part of the Bentley Nevada Turbine Monitoring Instrument (TSI) turbine sensor kit. Each channel can be programmed using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software to protect the machine and monitor the conditions of radial vibration, thrust position, differential expansion, eccentricity, acceleration, speed, shaft value, and circle acceptance area parameters.

Bently Nevada's 3500/42M Proximitor/Seismic Monitor provides four programmable channels for the 3500 system, accepting inputs from both the Proximitor and seismic sensors. Then, the 3500/42M adjusts the signal to provide various vibration and position measurements, and compares the adjusted signal with user programmable alarms. In addition, each channel can be programmed using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software to protect the machine and monitor the conditions of radial vibration, thrust position, differential expansion, eccentricity, acceleration, speed, shaft value, and circle acceptance area parameters.

The 3500/44M aviation modified gas turbine monitor is a four channel aviation modified gas turbine (GT) vibration monitor used in the 3500 system. Vibration monitor connection

3500/22-01-01-05( 138607-01+146031-01)框架系统振动监测电源模块



3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器

3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器

3500/63 气体监测器

3500/92 通讯网关

3500/93 LCD 显示装置

3500/94 VGA 显示装置

3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动

3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置


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BES 516-326-C-PU

BES 516-325-B0-Y-3


3RT2015-1AP02 3RT2 015-1AP02

RSZE1S48M 026008


ZDU 6-2/2AN

6ES7972-0BB11-0XA0 + 6XV1830-0EH10

GV2K04 073356

6GK7443-1EX11-0XE0 6GK7 443-1EX11-0XE0

VBF2 044937

2.423.417.10 PS

M22-K10 + 4* M22-K01


3RK1903-1CB00 + 3RK1903-1AB00


85 246 TNG 60-230/24




6GK1551-2AA00 6GK1 551-2AA00 CP5512 PC

S7 6ES7590-1AB60-0AA0


Finder Relaissockel 95.P3

MK3PN-5-S MK3-PN-5-S

WORK ISO 6432 118Z16A040CP

RITTAL TS 8800.050 TS8800.050

EMF2111IB 33.2111IB.2A.30 00394821

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