● 基于霍尼韦尔的HMlWeb技术
● 支持中文界面
● 可视方案图,控制策略设计图的实时监视显示PlantCruise软件
● 监控软件提供高速缓存区的实时动态数据存取、趋势、报警/事件处理、管理、报表报告生成等功能
● 系组态环境PlantCruise组态工作室包括:
◎ 企业模型组态软件Simplified Enterprise ModeIBuilder,对企业中的资产按分级结构直观地描述、显示
◎ 控制策略组态软件ControI BuiIder,为生成控制策略提供全套控制算法库
◎ 系统资源组态软件Quick Builder,用于创建系统硬件
◎ 用户画面组态软件HMIWeb Display BuiIde,用于创建基于HTML格式的操作员图形界面
● 强大的数据交换功能
● 多种其它应用(Uniformance PHD、eServer、EBM等)PlantCruise仿真控制器(SIM)
● 仿真PlantCruise系统
● 基于PC的仿真控制器环境,无须控制器硬件
(1) Convenient configuration: It is necessary to determine which PLC to use, which type, which module to use, and how many modules to use when connecting to the control system. Once confirmed, you can order and purchase from the market.
(2) Easy installation: PLC hardware installation is simple and assembly is easy. The external wiring has a connector, which is simple to connect, and when replacing a module after one connection, the connector can be installed on the new module without the need for further wiring. Do not connect any internal wires, just make necessary DIP switch settings or software settings, and prepare user programs to work.
(3) Programming convenience: Although there are no actual relays, time relays, or counters inside the PLC, these devices actually exist through the program (software) and system memory. The number of them is unimaginable for relay control systems. Even for small PLCs, the number of internal relays can be counted in thousands, while time relays and counts can also be counted in hundreds. Moreover, the contacts of these relays can be used * * * times. There are so many internal logic devices in PLC that users no longer feel any restrictions when using them. All that is considered is the entry and exit points. And it doesn't matter how much internal entry and exit points are used. The control points of a large PLC can reach over ten thousand, how can there be such a large real-world system? If it is not enough, it can be controlled online without any restrictions. The instruction system of PLC is also very rich, which can easily achieve control of various switching values and analog quantities. The PLC also has a memory area for storing data, which can store all the information to be saved during the control process In short, due to the strong functionality of PLC, its role in the control system is no longer limited by the PLC itself, but by people's imagination or other hardware facilities associated with it.
3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器
3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器
3500/63 气体监测器
3500/92 通讯网关
3500/93 LCD 显示装置
3500/94 VGA 显示装置
3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置
3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀
3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动
3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置
免责声明: AMIKON我们销售新产品和停产产品,渠道购买此类特色产品。阿米控不是本网站特色产品的授权分销商、经销商或代表。本网站上使用的所有产品名称/产品图片、商标、品牌和徽标均为其各自所有者的财产。带有这些名称,图片、商标、品牌和徽标的产品描述、描写或销售仅用于识别目的,并不表示与任何权利持有人有任何关联或授权。
b+m VP60 3/2 23105 VP6010LT461MB305
M2010456, M2010455 37103047, M2010456 37103487
2GF2400-8EB 2GF2 400-8EB CKA4810
C310 C310/0023/STD
COLMAN MACO 8000 80NA-00001-001-V-00
SKAI 3001GD12-1455WI3 14550030
PS2 6DR55100EG000AA0 6DR5510-0EG00-0AA0 SW: 5.01.00
S5 6ES5244-3AA21 6ES5 244-3AA21
FUM511 / 6DP1511-8AA 6DP1 511-8AA SW: 2
CCT-20 CCT-20-0/300
PS 244 PS 244/A
G110 6SL3211-0AB23-0AA0 6SL3 211-0AB23-0AA0 A01/1.04
B&R X20 SI 4100 X20SI4100 X20
S7 6ES7414-2XG04-0AB0 6ES7 414-2XG04-0AB0
6FC5303-1AF02-8AE0 6FC5 303-1AF02-8AE0
P010 IFLASH2 94V-0FA99901
S5 6ES5948-3UA12 6ES5 948-3UA12
6SN1118-0DH23-0AA1 6SN1 118-0DH23-0AA1