● 基于霍尼韦尔的HMlWeb技术
● 支持中文界面
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● 系组态环境PlantCruise组态工作室包括:
◎ 企业模型组态软件Simplified Enterprise ModeIBuilder,对企业中的资产按分级结构直观地描述、显示
◎ 控制策略组态软件ControI BuiIder,为生成控制策略提供全套控制算法库
◎ 系统资源组态软件Quick Builder,用于创建系统硬件
◎ 用户画面组态软件HMIWeb Display BuiIde,用于创建基于HTML格式的操作员图形界面
● 强大的数据交换功能
● 多种其它应用(Uniformance PHD、eServer、EBM等)PlantCruise仿真控制器(SIM)
● 仿真PlantCruise系统
● 基于PC的仿真控制器环境,无须控制器硬件
子站通讯模块 IC200PBI001
IC200PBI001 是 Profibus-DP 网络接口单元 (NIU),在 GE 为 VersaMax 系列设计的 Profibus-DP 网络上充当从站。IC200PBI001 充当一组 I/O 模块的控制器。该模块使用直接安装在 NIU 上的提供的电源供电。
IC200PBI001 的网络地址为 1 到 125,网络数据速率为 9.6Kbaud 到 12Mbaud,自动检测。多有 375 字节的 I/O 数据,多 244 字节的输入或 244 字节的输出。IC200PBI001 每个 NIU 可以控制 64 个 I/O 模块。
IC200PBI001配备五个 LED 指示灯,帮助用户监控 NIU 的电源和状态。 通电后,PWR LED 将为绿色。当 OK LED 为绿色时,固件正常运行。如果 FAULT LED 呈琥珀色,则表明 NIU 已在内部或 I/O 模块中发现故障。网络 LED 可以呈绿色、琥珀色或熄灭,具体取决于以下情况。如果为绿色,则 I/O 正在网络上成功传输。如果 LED 呈琥珀色,则主设备发送的配置被拒绝。当 NETWORK LED 熄灭时,没有检测到与主设备的通信。FORCE LED 指定是否存在任何强制 I/O 值。此版本的 IC200PBI001 Profibus NIU 与所有 VersaMax 高密度模拟模块兼容。
IC200PBI001 Profibus-DP 网络接口单元或 NIU 是 GE Fanuc 的产品,属于 VersaMax 产品系列。它作为 Profibus-DP 网络上的从属设备,并作为一组输入和输出模块的控制器运行。该模块使用直接安装在其上的外部提供的电源供电。IC200PBI001 NIU 的网络地址为 1 至 125,网络数据速率为 9.6 Kbaud 至 12 Mbaud,可自动检测。它具有 375 字节的全部 I/O 数据容量,输入额定值高达 244 字节或输出额定值高达 244 字节。该网络接口单元一次多可控制 64 个输入和输出。
GE Fanuc IC200PBI001 网络接口单元具有 5 个 LED 指示灯,可帮助操作员监控电源以及 NIU 的状态。如果接通电源,“PWR”LED 指示灯变为绿色,当“OK”LED 指示灯变为绿色时,表示固件正常运行。当“FAULT”LED 指示灯为琥珀色时,表示 IC200PBI001 NIU 存在内部故障。此外,“NETWORK”LED 指示灯可以发出琥珀色或绿色光或熄灭。绿灯表示 I/O 数据在网络上成功传输。琥珀色灯表示主设备发送的配置被拒绝。当“NETWORK”LED 指示灯熄灭时,表示与主设备没有通信。此外,还有一个“FORCE”LED 指示灯,用于指定是否存在强制输入和输出值。
IC200PBI001 is a Profibus-DP Network Interface Unit (NIU) that serves as a slave on the Profibus-DP network designed by GE for the VersaMax series. IC200PBI001 serves as a controller for a set of I/O modules. This module is powered by a power supply directly installed on the NIU.
The network address of IC200PBI001 is 1 to 125, and the network data rate is 9.6Kbaud to 12Mbaud, which is automatically detected. There can be up to 375 bytes of I/O data, up to 244 bytes of input or 244 bytes of output. IC200PBI001 Each NIU can control 64 I/O modules.
IC200PBI001 is equipped with five LED indicator lights to help users monitor the power and status of NIUs. After power on, the PWR LED will turn green. When the OK LED is green, the firmware operates normally. If the Fault LED is amber, it indicates that the NIU has detected a fault internally or in the I/O module. The network LED can be green, amber, or off, depending on the following conditions. If it is green, the I/O is successfully transmitting on the network. If the LED is amber, the configuration sent by the main device is rejected. When the NETWORK LED is off, communication with the main device is not detected. The FORCE LED specifies whether there are any mandatory I/O values present. This version of IC200PBI001 Profibus NIU is compatible with all VersaMax high-density analog modules.
IC200PBI001 Profibus-DP network interface unit or NIU is a product of GE Fanuc and belongs to the VersaMax product series. It serves as a slave device on the Profibus-DP network and operates as a controller for a set of input and output modules. This module is powered by an external power supply directly installed on it. The network address of IC200PBI001 NIU is 1 to 125, and the network data rate is 9.6 Kbaud to 12 Mbaud, which can be automatically detected. It has a total I/O data capacity of 375 bytes, with an input rating of up to 244 bytes or an output rating of up to 244 bytes. This network interface unit can control up to 64 inputs and outputs at a time.
The GE Fanuc IC200PBI001 network interface unit has 5 LED indicators to help operators monitor the status of power and NIU. If the power is turned on, the "PWR" LED indicator turns green. When the "OK" LED indicator turns green, it indicates that the firmware is operating normally. When the "Fault" LED indicator light is amber, it indicates that there is an internal fault in the IC200PBI001 NIU. In addition, the 'WORK' LED indicator can emit an amber or green light or turn off. A green light indicates that I/O data has been successfully transmitted on the network. The amber light indicates that the configuration sent by the main device has been rejected. When the "WORK" LED indicator light goes out, it indicates that there is no communication with the main device. In addition, there is a "FORCE" LED indicator light used to specify whether there are forced input and output values.
子站通讯模块 IC200PBI001
3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器
3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器
3500/63 气体监测器
3500/92 通讯网关
3500/93 LCD 显示装置
3500/94 VGA 显示装置
3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置
3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀
3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动
3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置
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