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● 仿真PlantCruise系统
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IC200PWR001 是一款 24VDC 电源,可为 CPU、NIU 和 I/O 模块提供背板电源。IC200PWR001 可通过 3.3 伏和 5 伏输出提供大 1.5 安培的输出电流,而 3.3 伏输出可提供高达 0.25 安培的电流。
如果IC200PWR001 安装在CPU或NIU上,可以认为是站内的主电源。当安装在电源升压器载体上时,IC200PWR001 还可用作补充电源。IC200PWR001 的输入电压为 18 至 30VDC,标称值为 24VDC,输入功率为 11 瓦。IC200PWR001 的保持时间为 10ms,浪涌电流在 24VDC 时为 20A,在 30VDC 时为 25A。IC200PWR001 的输出电压 为 5VDC、3.3VDC。大总输出电流不应超过 1.5A。
IC200PWR001提供短路、过载和反极性保护。接线时,DC- 接地到框架/大地。DC- 接地到电源的内部框架,这意味着不应使用浮动电源。
IC200PWR001 故障排除
IC200PWR001 的网站页面上提供了故障排除信息;它还包括数据表用户手册和 接线 图。
IC200PWR001 的价格和供货情况
IC200PWR001 的价格 可通过致电 1-800-360-6802 或填写我们的“快速报价”获得。PDF Supply 在 PLC 方面拥有超过 30 年的经验,并且在 GE Fanuc Versamax 系列方面的经验可追溯到 1995 年。IC200PWR001 提供至少 1 年的 PDF Supply 保修。大多数未开封的物品都可以退货。它确实需要预先批准和 RMA。
修理您的 IC200PWR001
PDF Supply 可 在 3-5 个工作日内修复您的 IC200PWR001。PDF Supply 为所有维修提供 2 年客户满意度 保证。
IC200PWR001 is a 24VDC power supply that provides backplane power for CPUs, NIUs, and I/O modules. IC200PWR001 can provide a maximum output current of 1.5 amperes through 3.3V and 5V outputs, while 3.3V outputs can provide a current of up to 0.25 amperes.
If IC200PWR001 is installed on a CPU or NIU, it can be considered as the main power supply in the station. When installed on the power booster carrier, IC200PWR001 can also be used as a supplementary power supply. The input voltage of IC200PWR001 is 18 to 30VDC, with a nominal value of 24VDC and an input power of 11 watts. The holding time of IC200PWR001 is 10ms, and the surge current is 20A at 24VDC and 25A at 30VDC. The output voltage of IC200PWR001 is 5VDC and 3.3VDC. The maximum total output current should not exceed 1.5A.
IC200PWR001 provides short circuit, overload, and reverse polarity protection. When wiring, DC - must be grounded to the frame/ground. DC - Ground to the internal frame of the power supply, which means that floating power should not be used.
Technical Information
IC200PWR001 Troubleshooting
The website page of IC200PWR001 provides troubleshooting information; It also includes a data sheet user manual and wiring diagram.
Price and Supply of IC200PWR001
The price of IC200PWR001 can be obtained by calling 1-800-360-6802 or filling out our 'Quick Quote'. PDF Supply has over 30 years of experience in PLC, and its experience in the GE Fanuc Versamax series can be traced back to 1995. IC200PWR001 provides a PDF Supply warranty of at least 1 year. Most unopened items can be returned. It does require pre approval and RMA.
Repair your IC200PWR001
PDF Supply can repair your IC200PWR001 within 3-5 working days. PDF Supply provides a 2-year customer satisfaction guarantee for all repairs.
3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器
3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器
3500/63 气体监测器
3500/92 通讯网关
3500/93 LCD 显示装置
3500/94 VGA 显示装置
3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置
3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀
3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动
3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置
免责声明: AMIKON我们销售新产品和停产产品,渠道购买此类特色产品。阿米控不是本网站特色产品的授权分销商、经销商或代表。本网站上使用的所有产品名称/产品图片、商标、品牌和徽标均为其各自所有者的财产。带有这些名称,图片、商标、品牌和徽标的产品描述、描写或销售仅用于识别目的,并不表示与任何权利持有人有任何关联或授权。
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