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模拟量模块 IC694ALG223

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 模拟量模块 IC694ALG223


IC694ALG223 是一款具有 16 通道/单端输入的模拟电流输入模块。每个输入都可以使用提供的软件配置为三个输入范围中的任何一个:4 至 20 mA、0 至 20 mA 或 4 至 20 mA 增强型。

所有量程均提供高和/或低报警限值。在 4 至 20 mA 增强型范围内,报警下限可以检测 4 mA 至 0 mA 的输入电流,从而在 4 至 20 mA 应用中提供开路故障检测。模块可以使用分配的程序引用地址向 CPU 报告模块状态和外部电源状态。IC694ALG223 模块的安装与 RX3i 系统中的任何 I/O 插槽一致。

IC694ALG223使用来自 PLC 背板上 5 VDC 总线的 120 mA 电流,并需要来自用户提供的 +24 VDC 电源的 65 mA 电流回路电流。

MODULE OK LED 在通电时发出模块状态信息。如果 LED 亮起,则状态正常,模块已配置。如果它显示 OFF,则没有背板电源被识别,或者看门狗定时器超时)。持续快速闪烁:表示没有从 CPU 接收配置数据。缓慢闪烁后熄灭表示上电诊断失败或遇到代码执行错误。用户电源 LED 确认外部 24 VDC 电源在预期规格范围内。

IC694ALG223 模块的可配置参数包括活动通道、输入数据的参考地址、长度和范围、低/高警报和 I/O 扫描设置。 

GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i PACSystems 模拟电流输入模块是一种基于微处理器的固态工业自动化接口模块,其主要用途是接收现场工业变送器和/或传感器发出的模拟电流信号,并将其转换为数字信号RX3i 可编程逻辑控制器将相应地解释和响应的数据信号。GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i 模拟电流输入模块可配置为接收常用电流范围内的信号,这些电流范围为 4 至 20 毫安、0 至 20 毫安或增强型 4 至 20 毫安。该模块的安装非常简单,用户只需在 RX3i 可编程逻辑控制器中找到 1 个可用的 I/O 插槽,然后继续插入模块直至卡入到位。

GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i 模拟电流输入模块从 RX3i 可编程逻辑控制器获取 5 伏直流工作电压,输入电路需要由外部 24 伏直流电源供电。来自背板的大额定电流为 120 毫安,输入电路中为 65 毫安。GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i 模拟电流输入模块有 16 个独立的模拟电流输入,每个输入都是用户可编程的,不仅关于它们的预定义电流范围,而且关于附加参数,例如低和高报警限制,通道激活和停用,和 I/O 扫描设置。这些模拟电流输入模块的工作温度应始终保持在 0 至 60 摄氏度(32 至 140 华氏度)范围内。


IC694ALG223 is an analog current input module with 16 channels/single ended input. Each input can be configured to any of three input ranges using the provided software: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, or 4 to 20 mA enhanced.

All ranges provide high and/or low alarm limits. In the enhanced range of 4 to 20 mA, the alarm lower limit can detect input currents from 4 mA to 0 mA, providing open circuit fault detection in 4 to 20 mA applications. Modules can use the assigned program reference address to report module status and external power status to the CPU. The installation of the IC694ALG223 module is consistent with any I/O slot in the RX3i system.

IC694ALG223 uses 120 mA current from the 5 VDC bus on the PLC backplane and requires a 65 mA current loop current from the+24 VDC power supply provided by the user.

The Module OK LED emits a module status message when powered on. If the LED is on, the status is normal and the module is configured. If it displays OFF, no backplane power is recognized, or the watchdog timer has timed out. Continuous fast flashing: indicates that no configuration data has been received from the CPU. Slow flashing and then off indicates a power on diagnostic failure or encountering code execution errors. The user power LED confirms that the external 24 VDC power supply is within the expected specification range.

The configurable parameters of the IC694ALG223 module include active channels, reference addresses for input data, length and range, low/high alarms, and I/O scan settings.

The GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i PACSystems analog current input module is a microprocessor based solid-state industrial automation interface module. Its main purpose is to receive analog current signals from on-site industrial transmitters and/or sensors, and convert them into digital signals. The RX3i programmable logic controller will interpret and respond to the corresponding data signals. The GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i analog current input module can be configured to receive signals within the most commonly used current range, which is 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, or enhanced 4 to 20 mA. The installation of this module is very simple. Users only need to find one available I/O slot in the RX3i programmable logic controller and continue inserting the module until it clicks into place.

The GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i analog current input module obtains a 5V DC working voltage from the RX3i programmable logic controller, and the input circuit needs to be powered by an external 24V DC power supply. The maximum rated current from the backplane is 120 mA, and the input circuit is 65 mA. The GE Fanuc IC694ALG223 RX3i analog current input module has 16 independent analog current inputs, each of which is user programmable, not only about their predefined current ranges, but also about additional parameters such as low and high alarm limits, channel activation and deactivation, and I/O scan settings. The operating temperature of these analog current input modules should always be maintained within the range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit).

       模拟量模块 IC694ALG223



3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器

3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器

3500/63 气体监测器

3500/92 通讯网关

3500/93 LCD 显示装置

3500/94 VGA 显示装置

3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动

3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置


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  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元