品牌:肯联constellium | 规格:50~500mm | 材质:fortal-HP |
产地:法国 | 导热系数:130 BTU/ft-hr-°F |
Fortal铝板, FORTAL-HR铝板, FORTAL-HP铝板, FORTAL铝合金, FORTAL模具铝板, FORTAL注塑模具铝板, FORTAL吹塑模具铝板, FORTAL塑料模具铝板, FORTAL塑胶模具铝板, FORTAL模具材料, FORTAL模具铝, FORTAL模具铝合金, FORTAL高导热铝板, FORTAL高强度铝板, FORTAL高硬度铝板, FORTAL高耐磨铝板, FORTAL高韧性铝板, FORTAL耐腐蚀铝板, FORTAL耐磨损铝板, FORTAL耐冲击铝板, FORTAL高寿命模具铝板, FORTAL无应力铝板, FORTAL不变形铝板, FORTAL铝板导热率, FORTAL汽车注塑模具铝板, FORTAL底盖模具铝板, FORTAL锻造铝板, FORTAL锻造模具铝板, FORTAL铝制模具板, FORTAL模具制造铝板, FORTAL模塑铝板, FORTAL合金模具铝板, FORTAL合金铝板, FORTAL模具合金, FORTAL模具铝, FORTAL模具铝合金, fortal模具铝板, FORTAL HR模具铝板, FORTAL HP模具铝板
FORTAL® 模具铝合金板块
FORTAL® aluminum mold block
FORTAL was designed from an aircraft quality aluminum and developed for the mold working industry. The developers of FORTAL knew that in this industry, the core material is very critical because of pockets, holes and keyways that will be cut from the interior of the plate. FORTAL exceeds other brands of this alloy by having extremely consistent mechanical properties throughout the crosssection of the material (its the same - inside and out).The two grades of FORTAL-HR & FORTAL-HP offer the user the necessary properties in whichever thickness is needed.
FORTAL® Comparison(性能对照):
钢制模具在实际应用当中的劣势不断显现。模具可以用革命性的新型铝合金制成:FORTAL-HR & FORTAL-HP。FORTAL在应用于制造模具组上已有多年,我们的目的是与您分享这一丰富的经验。