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The crystal structure of phosphating layer can be judged by electron microscope or high-definition magnifying glass. The phosphating layer can also be peeled off from the parts and measured. Moreover, wax block can be used to make model for measurement.


The as like as two peas for the phosphating layer are: iron parts are used to draw phosphating layer and then the thin phosphating layer is melted. The phosphating layer is melted. Wax pattern is a duplicate copy of phosphating layer. After cleaning, the display mirror is used for drying and the examination is conducted with care.


After weighing the sample, put it into a 120 degree oven to bake for 1 hour. After taking out the sample, put it in the drying place and weigh it again. The average mass is expressed by the thickness of the phosphating layer.


Put two known water samples into dilute hydrochloric acid, take them out after 5 minutes, wait for a few minutes, and then completely dry. The bottom surface of the test block is dried with a paper towel, and then weighed in a small bottle. Calculate the increase in weight per unit area. By measuring two test blocks of water, they are suspended in a large flask. Put the bottom of the test block 10 cm away from the surface, cover the flask, put it into the incubator for 24 hours, and immediately take out the test block and put it into the flask to weigh. The increased weight is measured as a percentage of the membrane weight.


The surface smoothness of phosphating layer can be measured by light refraction method or by special instrument. The surface smoothness indicates the uniformity of phosphating layer. The normal good phosphating layer is generally less than 1 μ m, and the poor phosphating difference can reach more than 10 μ M.

  • 联系人: 吴登辉 先生
  • 电话: 0513-19850005559
  • 手机: 19850005559
  • 地址: 江苏省 南通市 南通市海安电子信息产业园
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