FUCHS ,福斯GLEITMO 700平原、滚子轴承润滑脂 , FUCHS GLEITMO 700
gleitmo 700是一种合成的油的比例非常高的二硫化钼基装配和润滑膏。在高于200 ° C的温度下产生的残余物的合成机油润滑只有进一步的损害与矿物油相比略有。此外,它具有不攻击的大部分组件是不抗矿物油的优势。除了装配应用,gleitmo 700也是在高温下,所有的油脂不能用于润滑。
gleitmo 700可用于在高温范围内的所有的润滑领域。
gleitmo 700是不是油脂!应用薄膜只用一个硬性刷,不起毛的布或海绵。脱脂滑动时,大会以前用途的表面。滚子轴承:滚动体之间的民建联的导轨,轴承转动简单,避免过多。
温度范围:-40 / +400 ° C间
允许在温度有限,但有用的润滑周围400 ° C间注册,所有油或油脂不能使用
gleitmo 700 is an assembly and lubricating paste on the base of a synthetic oil with a very high proportion of molybdenum disulphide. At temperatures above 200 °C the synthetic oil just produces little residues which impair further lubrication only slightly compared with mineral oil. In addition, it has the advantage of not attacking most components which are not resistant to mineral oil. After evaporation of the synthetic oil a dry lubricating film prevents seizure and permits low-wear operation. This type of lubrication is used only for slow movements.
gleitmo 700 is used for all fields of lubrication in the high temperature range. Lubrication at temperatures which exclude oils and greases, e.g. furnace car bearings (plain and roller bearings). Furthermore gleitmo 700 is suitable for assembly and running-in applications.
gleitmo 700 is used for conveyor rollers and converters in steel plants.
gleitmo 700 is not a grease! Apply a thin film only using a rigid brush. Degrease sliding surfaces prior to applying gleitmo 700 for assembly purposes.
Roller bearings: dab the guideway between the rolling elements, turn the bearing briefly, avoid excess.
Please contact us if you intend to use gleitmo 700 with feeding devices.
temperature range: -40 / +400 °C
at temperatures > 200 °C absolutely dry lubrication by the solid lubricants
preferably for high temperatures and components which are not resistant to mineral oil
facilitates assembly and disassembly
protects sliding surfaces from running-in damage
permits limited but useful lubrication at temperatures up to app. +400 °C where all oils or greases cannot be used
leaves no troublesome residues at high temperatures