GLEITMO SFL 9560 由德国福斯润滑科技集团 (Fuchs Lubritech GmbH) 出品。本产品是以有机黏结剂结合之白色 PTFE 固体干膜润滑剂。经加热固化后,能形成一润滑效果,强耐磨、耐极压,且高度抗腐蚀的润滑干膜。
GLEITMO SFL 9560 为中、高压或低速滑动环境中的金属材料提供型润滑,亦可用于紧急润滑。适用如调节装置 (轴承梢、滑轨) 或任何需干式润滑和耐腐蚀保护的机械配件。
稀释剂: GLEITMO 950V
White PTFE solid film lubricant
Temperature range for use: -70/+140 °C; short term up to 250 °C
forms a dry, firmly adhering lubricant film
provides very good corrosion protection
highly resistant to solvents, mineral oils and synthetic fluids
resistant to wear and abrasion
suitable for lifetime lubrication
has good lubrication properties
high load capacity
produces surfaces with a decorative finish
GLEITMO SFL 9560 is a white, heat-curing solid film lubricant having PTFE as a constituent for lubrication efficiency. The product forms a dry lubricating film, which is distinguished by its excellent lubricating effect, high degree of abrasion resistance and very good corrosion protection. Because of its advanced binder system GLEITMO SFL 9560 can already be cured at 130 °C, thus protecting the substrate and enabling energy to be saved. GLEITMO SFL 9560 is resistant to mineral oils and many chemicals.
GLEITMO SFL 9560 is used for the lifetime lubrication of metallic materials subjected to medium and high pressures or slow sliding speeds as well as emergency lubrication. Examples are the lubrication of adjusting mechanisms (spindles and slide rails) or machine components requiring dry lubrication and good corrosion protection.
Coating is carried out by spraying or using the dipping or centrifugal dipping methods. Before this happens, the parts to be coated must be thoroughly degreased with a solvent. The surfaces must be dry when the coating is applied. To increase the adhesive strength, and therefore the lifetime, pre-treatment of the surfaces is recommended by phosphatising or sand-blasting. In order to achieve quicker drying and improved adhesion of the coating, pre-heating of the parts to about 80-90 °C before coating has proved to be effective.
Stir well before use! Shelf-life: 12 month in closed original container at room temperature
Machinery, equipment
Steel, metals