Alloys AA2030 and AA2007 are developed specifically for machining applications and renowned for good machining characteristics and mechanical properties. Lead content less then 1% and no other prohibited elements. AA2030 and AA2007 alloys are direct replacement for 2030 and 2007 -classic, retains all the technological properties of the original alloys.
Both alloys have been developed for use in automotive industries.
标准对照:美国铝业协会(AA) 2030,ISO R209 AlCu4PbMg
铝 Al(小值):余量
硅 Si:≤0.8
铁 Fe:≤0.7
铜 Cu:3.3~4.5
锰 Mn:0.20~1.0
镁 Mg:0.50~1.0
铬 Cr:≤0.10
锌 Zn:≤0.50
铋 Bi:≤0.20
铅 Pb:0.8~1.0
钛 Ti:≤0.20
抗拉强度 σb (MPa) ) ≥340
条件屈服强度 σ0.2 (MPa) )≥220
伸长率 7%
铝 Al(小值):余量
硅 Si:≤0.8
铁 Fe:≤0.8
铜 Cu:3.3~4.6
锰 Mn:0.50~1.0
镁 Mg:0.40~1.8
铬 Cr:≤0.10
锌 Zn:≤0.80
铋 Bi:≤0.20
铅 Pb:0.8~1.0
钛 Ti:≤0.20
镍 Ni:≤0.20
锡 Sn:≤0.20
抗拉强度 σb (MPa) ) ≥370
条件屈服强度 σ0.2 (MPa) )≥250
伸长率 8%