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您当前的位置: 世铝网 铝业产品 原料及辅料 汉高过滤器胶LOCTITE CR3510 10

汉高过滤器胶LOCTITE CR3510

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 LOCTITE CR 3510 /  LOCTITE CR 4300 provides the following product characteristics: 

TLOCTITE CR 3510 /  LOCTITE CR 4300 is a solven

PreliminaryStatement: Prior to use it is necessary to read the Material Safety Data Sheet for information about precautionary measures and safety recommendations. Also, for chemical products exempt from compulsory labeling, the relevant precautions should always be observed. Please also refer to the local safety instructionsandcontactHenkelforanalytical support. Pretreatment: The substrate should be clean, dry, free of dust, oil, grease and other contaiminants. The usage of suitable primers on metal surfaces can improve the adhesion and / or the long-term bond stability. The surface of plastic materials should be cleaned, so as to remove any kind of release agents present on the substrate surface. An improvement of the adhesioncan be achieved by grinding or sandblasting the surface. 

Macroplast® UK 145A/B

Macroplast® UK 178A/B

Macroplast® UK 231A/B

Macroplast® CR 3528/4200

Macroplast® CR 3510/4300

Macroplast® CR 3519/4200

Macroplast® CR 3525/4200

Macroplast® EP 3030/5030

Macroplast® EP 3299/5299

 Macroplast® EP 3640/5640

Technomelt® Q 4208

Macroplast® CR 3519/4300 

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