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福斯GLEITMO 935特种润滑脂

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品牌:福斯 规格:16KG/180KG 材质:

福斯GLEITMO 935特种润滑脂 详细说明

  • gleitmo 960 (Item No. 185)

    Graphite based solid film lubricant


    gleitmo 960 is an air-drying solid film lubricant on the basis of a solvent with inorganic binder.
    The active lubricating component is a special graphite. Binder and solid lubricant produce a synergetic effect which improve adhesion and thus the lubricating performance significantly.

    Fields of application

    Gleitmo 960 can be used for metal-forming (e.g. reducing).
    As a lubricant in all areas wher lubrication with an oil or grease is a problem due to high temperatures.

    Method of application

    gleitmo 960 may be applied via compressed air and airless spraying systems. Agitators are recommended for the container in this case.
    Immersion is economical for large quantities of small parts. Owing to uneven coating thickness, application with a brush or roller is only recommendable if spraying or immersion is not possible.
    The sliding surfaces to be coated should be carefully degreased with a solvent and allowed to dry.


    Stir well before use!
    Shelf life: 12 month in original closed containers at room temperature



    • temperature range: -180 / +350 °C

    • forms a dry, firmly adhering lubricating film

    • permits low coefficients of friction

    • suitable for ferritic as well as for austenitic steels

    • does not contain sulphur

    • lubricates in a wide temperature range

    • prevents stick-slip and seizure

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  • 电话: 0755-29101232
  • 手机: 18118756129
  • 址: 广东省 惠州市 惠州市惠阳区淡水街道凤凰社区
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