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品牌:福斯 规格:16KG/180KG 材质:

福斯GEARMASTER PGP 68/100/150/220/320/460/680/1000特种齿轮油 180KG   FUCHS GEARMASTER PGP 68/100/150/220/320/460/680/1000

High-performance gear oils on polyalkylene glycol base


GEARMASTER PGP oils are fully synthetic gear oils based on polyglycol. Their characteristics include an extremely low coefficient of friction, high resistance to pressure, very high shear stability and excellent protection against corrosion.

Fields of application

GEARMASTER PGP oils are used in high-load industrial gear systems such as spur gears, bevel gears, epicyclical gears and worm gear pairs. Oils such as the GEARMASTER PGP range have great advantages over mineral oils in all situations where there are a large number sliding movements in gears: their superior friction and load-bearing capacity allow the oil temperature to remain lower, and increase the interval between oil changes.

GEARMASTER PGP oils can also be used as lubricating oils for lubricating seals, when sealing process gases (methane, ethane, butane).

Method of application

GEARMASTER PGP-oils can be used at a permanent operation-temperature up to more than 150 °C.


GEARMASTER PGP-oils are not miscible with mineral oils. Gear-boxes should not be varnished inside or at least should be painted by a two-component-lacquer. Otherwise a removal of the paint cannot be ruled out.


  • withstands high temperatures

  • excellent load capacity

  • outstanding wear protection

  • excellent viscosity-temperature characteristic

  • good corrosion protection

  • exceptional resistance to ageing

  • low tendency to foam

  • good air expulsion








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