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Delvac Synthetic Gear 80W-140

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Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil 80W-140,美孚车用合成齿轮油
Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90, 80W-140

Supreme Performance Commercial Gear Lubricants

Product Description

Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90 and 80W-140 are synthetic drivetrain lubricants engineered to meet the most demanding extended drain and warranty requirements. These products are designed for use in  -duty drivetrains that require gear lubricants with relatively high viscosity and excellent load-carrying capability and where extreme pressures and shock loading are expected. Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90 and 80W-140 incorporate the latest technology in synthetic basestocks and advanced additives providing significant advantages over mineral gear oils.

The state-of-the-art technology in Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90 and 80W-140 delivers unsurpassed performance for low and high temperature application, protection against thermal degradation and oxidation, reduced wear and corrosion, improved shear stability, extended service capability, and excellent fuel economy. These products meet or exceed the requirements of API service MT-1/GL-5 EP gear oil service classification and are recommended by ExxonMobil for use in applications requiring the MIL-PRF-2105E specification.

The outstanding performance of this product is confirmed by its approval for final drives covered by Eaton Roadranger (E500) and ArvinMeritor Extended Warranties of 750,000 miles, with extended oil drains of 500,000 miles. They are also approved by Mack against GO-J Plus (75W-90) and GO-J (80W-140) extended service classifications.

Features and Benefits

Today’s technology has vastly improved the performance capabilities of  -duty on and off-highway equipment load, torque, speed, and control through innovative drivetrain designs. These designs  changed and increased the requirements of lubricants to deliver this higher level of performance, increase productivity, and reduce operating costs. For  -duty final drives, friction control, wear protection, thermal stability, shear stability, rust and corrosion


     Recommended by ExxonMobil for use in:

  • -duty manual transmissions, axles and final drives requiring API GL-5 and MT-1 performance

  • On-highway light and  -duty trucks, busses and vans

  • Off-highway industries including: construction, mining, quarrying, and agriculture

  • Other  -duty industrial gear drives including hypoid and worm gears operating under conditions where high speed/shock load, high speed/low torque, and/or low speed/high torque conditions prevail

  • Differentials, final drives, transfer cases and other gear applications where lubricants meeting MIL-PRF-2105E, API Service GL-5 , EP gear lubricants are recommended

  • Equipment such as winch reduction gears and crawler vehicle propulsion gear drives that are exposed to severe low temperatures

  • Use as a companion with Mobil Delvac Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50 in transmissions for maximum drive train life, efficiency and fuel economy improvement

  • Applications where extended service intervals and warranties are required

  • Not recommended for applications requiring API GL-4 Level performance

Typical Properties

Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil75W-9080W-140
SAE Grade75W-9080W-140
Viscosity, ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40ºC120310
cSt @ 100ºC15.931.2
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270140139
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97-48-36
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92205210
Density @ 15ºC kg/l, ASTM D 40520.8590.870

Delvac Synthetic Gear 80W-140。/

  • 联系人: 张经理 先生
  • 职位: 主管
  • 真: 0755-23328893
  • 电话: 0755-23328892
  • 手机: 13422875862
  • 址: 广东省 深圳市 深圳市龙华区大浪街道高峰社区元芬新村215号
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