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Mobilgard M430柴油发动机油

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品牌:美孚 规格:18L/208L 材质:原装

Mobilgard M430柴油发动机油

Diesel Engine Oils

Product Description

Mobilgard™ M30 Series (M330 and M430) by ExxonMobil are premium, extra high performance 30 TBN engine oils designed for use in the most severe residual-fuelled medium-speed diesel applications found in marine and stationary power industries. These outstanding trunk piston engine oils are formulated utilizing high performance additive detergent technology and provide outstanding residual fuel compatibility characteristics for excellent engine cleanliness, especially in crankcase, camshaft areas, ring belt and piston undercrowns. They also demonstrate excellent high temperature oxidation and thermal stability, low volatility, and high load carrying properties and corrosion protection.

Features and Benefits

Mobilgard M30 Series oils have high performance thermal and oxidation stability. They have excellent TBN retention and resistance to viscosity increases over long operating periods. They also promote a high level of engine cleanliness with protection against wear. Compared to other medium speed engine oils, they have excellent lube/fuel compatibility and separate easily from water.

When used as recommended, Mobilgard M30 Series oils provide the following benefits:

FeaturesAdvantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent thermal and oxidation stabilityReduced deposits in piston undercrown and ring belt areas
Improved anti-wear propertiesExtends the life of critical wear surfaces
Advanced detergency/dispersancyClean camshaft and crankcase spaces
Outstanding rust and corrosion propertiesProtects wear surfaces from water and acidic corrosion
High Residual Fuel CompatibilityReduced sludge formation, longer oil life, cleaner engines
Low volatility base stocksReduced lubricant consumption
Excellent TBN Reserve and RetentionCombats fuel/combustion related corrosion and deposits


Mobilgard M40 Series oils can be used in most medium-speed trunk piston engine applications. They are recommended for use in main propulsion and auxiliary engines on deep-sea vessels; in main propulsion engines on coastal and river ships; and in stationary power plants. This new Series of oils is the result of an extensive research and development program, incorporating ExxonMobil's patented DAC (Detecting Aspahltene Contamination) Test.

Mobilgard M30 Series oils are designed to meet the needs of engines operating on heavy fuel. They are recommended for use in the latest model medium speed diesel engines and are especially beneficial in engines having low crankcase oil consumption or operating with low cylinder liner temperatures. Relatively high alkalinity reserves in these oils provide excellent protection in neutralising the strong acids resulting from the use of high sulphur fuels that find access to the crankcase to promote oil degradation and ring, cylinder, and bearing corrosion.

Typical Properties

SAE Grade3040
Specific Gravity at 15ºC0.9070.907
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92244250
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97-6-6
Viscosity, ASTM D 445

cSt, at 100ºC12.014.0
TBN, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 28963030
Sulphated Ash, wt%, ASTM D 8743.83.8



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Mobilgard M430柴油发动机油
  • 联系人: 张经理 先生
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  • 真: 0755-23328893
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