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品牌:福斯 规格:18L/200L 材质:
产地:上海 美国

GEARMASTER ECO 220 (Item No. 1095)

Rapidly biodegradable gear oils based on synthetic ester


GEARMASTER ECO-oils are environmentally harmless synthetic ester-based gear oils. Gearmaster ECO-oils offer outstandig protection against fretting and
micropitting. They reduce friction and wear and
optimize the startbehaviour of gearboxes, especially at low temperatures and improve the rate of effiency.

Fields of application

GEARMASTER ECO-oils are recommended for the lubrication of spur, bevel, planetary and worm gears particularly in the food processing and packaging and beverage industries, but also for machinery operated in protected water zones.
The low viscosity grades can also be used as hydraulic oils.

Method of application

As GEARMASTER ECO-oils are fully miscible and compatible with mineral oils and polyalphaolefins, changing over to these products is no problem.
Please note our technical information sheet about changing from mineral oils to synthetic esters.
GEARMASTER ECO-oils have excellent cleaning properties. Thus the building of deposits and sludge is safely avaided.
We recommend paints based on two components and sealing materials with sufficient compatibility.


  • 联系人: 熊海生 先生
  • 职位: 销售部经理
  • 真: 00-传真号码
  • 电话: 0755-29101232
  • 手机: 18118756129
  • 址: 广东省 惠州市 惠州市惠阳区淡水街道凤凰社区