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嘉实多Tribol 800/1000合成齿轮油

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品牌:嘉实多 规格:18L/200L 材质:
产地:太仓 新加坡

嘉实多Tribol 800/1000合成齿轮油 嘉实多Tribol 800/680合成齿轮油 嘉实多Tribol 800/460合成齿轮油 嘉实多Tribol 800/320合成齿轮油嘉实多Tribol 800/220合成齿轮油 嘉实多Tribol 800/150合成齿轮油 嘉实多Tribol 800/100合成齿轮油 嘉实多Tribol 800/100 Castrol Tribol 800/100

Castrol Tribol 800/100

CASTROL TRIBOL 800/100,CASTROL TRIBOL 800/150 详细说明 (浏览317次)

Synthetic gear oils
CASTROL TRIBOL?800 gear oils were developed for application in highly loaded gears and bearings even
when subjected to high operating conditions.
They differ from mineral oil-based gear oils in the following characteristics:
? they feature an excellent oxidation stability (even at high temperatures)
? outstanding viscosity-temperature stability and extremely high viscosity-index without using VI improvers
? they are manufactured from high-quality polyglycol base oils
? CASTROL TRIBOL?800 synthetic gear oils are available in the viscosity grades 100 to 1000
? The excellent properties of CASTROL TRIBOL?800 synthetic gear oils are especially evident in the
lubrication of mechanically and/or thermally highly loaded friction surfaces.
? They are especially suited for service in highly loaded enclosed gear drives (spur, helical, bevel and worm
gears), the lubrication of rolling and sliding bearings in paper machines, PVC calanders, kneaders,
extruders and mills.
? Temperature Range: Sustained oil reservoir temperatures up to + 140
/285, with short-time exposure
to peak temperatures up to 200
? Considerable decrease in maintenance costs due to a prolonged service life of lubricant and machine
parts (owing to the high oxidation resistance an extremely extended service life of mineral oils is
? The good viscosity-temperature behavior ensures the formation of a load-resistant lubricating film on the
friction surfaces over a wide temperature range thus offering an optimum wear protection.
? Critical mixed-friction areas are easily coped with due to the efficiency of EP additives. These operating
conditions prevail under extremely high loads (e.g. shock loads),
top-and-go?operations as well as at
slow rolling and sliding speeds under high loads.

  • 联系人: 熊海生 先生
  • 职位: 销售部经理
  • 真: 00-传真号码
  • 电话: 0755-29101232
  • 手机: 18118756129
  • 址: 广东省 惠州市 惠州市惠阳区淡水街道凤凰社区
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