一、执行标准Standard TB/12YJ4229-2002 二、耐压等级Voltage: 250V、750V、1500V.3000V 三、型号Type: WDZR-DZY22、WDZR-DZYR22 四、产品结构Structure: 导电线芯十绝缘层+组合防水层+铠装层+隔氧层+外护层 Conductor + Insulation + Combination waterproof layer + armored layer + Oxygen insulation layer + outer sheath 五、生产范围Product Specification 芯数为单芯.截面为0.5-400mm2。 六、适用范围Applications 该电缆适用于地铁隧道.轻轨、车站等人员相对集中.环境相对密闭的场所,因城市轨道交通多在地下.一旦发生火灾.地下封闭的环境给人员逃生和消防工作带来很大的困难,这些决定了敷设在该场所内的电缆不仅应具有很高的阻燃要求,而且特别要求在燃烧时不产生浓烟及有毒害作用的卤酸气体.减少对设备和仪器仪表产生的“二次灾害”.同时该电缆还具有耐日光老化,防水及防鼠等性能,因此该电缆尤其适用于地铁隧道和轻轨沿线及配电柜与地铁之间.及地铁和轻轨车站内部的电气连接.作为直流牵引的电力传输。 The cables are used in dense locations as subway tunnel device and stations. Once fire happening, the close environment would make fleeing and fire protection difficult. So it concludes that the laid cables in dense locations must have high flame resistance as well as not bringing smoke and deleterious gas with halogen. Therefore, it would decrease“the second disaster” for machines and apparatus and the cables have performances of sunlight resistance.waterproof and resistance to gopher Generally.the cables are suitable for subway tunnel device.between electric cable net and subway for power transformation 0f D.C.Traction 七、产品型号说明:Type WDZR-DZY22--低烟无卤阻燃交联聚烯烃绝缘和护套铜带铠装地铁隧道轻轨直流电缆, A类阻燃 Subway tunnel device D C cables having low emission of smoke non-halogen Flame resistance rank A WDZR-DZYR22--低烟无卤阻燃交联聚烯烃绝缘和护套铜带铠装地铁隧道轻轨软直流电缆 A类阻燃 Subway tunnel device D C flexible cables having low emission of smoke,non-halogen flame resistance rank A 八、电缆特性:Specifications 1、直流电缆导电线芯的长期允许工作温度应不超过90℃。 Long-term conductor temperature no exceeding 90℃ 2、短路时长持续时间不超过5s.其导电线芯的高温度不超过250℃。 When short circuit happens the longest continuous time is not more than 5 seconds and the highest conductor temperature does not exceed 250℃ 3、敷设时的环境温度应不低于O℃。 Environment temperature not less than O℃.as laying. 4、电缆敷设时的小弯曲半径应不小于电缆外径的12倍。 The smallest flexible radius should not be less than 12 times of cable over-diameter as lying 5.低烟无卤特性:满足GB/T 17560-1998与GB/T 17651-1998的要求; Performance of low emission of smoke and non-halogen complying with GB/T1 7560-1998 and GB/T 17651-1998 1,电导率≤10μs/mm; Conductivity≤10 μs/mm: 2、DH值≥4.3。 PH value≥4.3 3、电缆燃烧烟密度 透光率≥60%。 Smoke density of cable combustion Transparence ratio≥60% 6、烟气毒性达到公共电缆燃烧级二级水平: Toxicity index up to the second level in safety ranks。f cables combustion 7、电缆阻燃性能达到GB/T18380.3-2001电缆成束燃烧试验A类的要求; Flame resistance performance according to GB/T18380 3-2001 type A 8、电缆的防水性能非常优异.可以长期浸泡在水中使用,而对其电性能影响很小。 The cable have excellent waterproof and are used in water for a long time but it doesn’t affect electric performance of cable. 9、电缆具有防紫外线性能.防紫外线性能完全能够满足GB 14049标准的要求:电缆在大气和日光老化的作用下,试样经过42天老化后,护套的抗拉强度和裂伸长率变化率应不超过±30%;经过21天老化后,护套的抗拉强度和断裂伸长率变化率应不超过士15%的范围。 The cables have capability of ultraviolet radiation resistance.conforming to GBl4049. Exposed in air and sunlight for 42 days.the variation of tensile strength and elongation at break of the sheath doesn‘t exceed ±30%,;and for 21 days.the variation does not exceed ±15%. 10、电缆具有防鼠咬性能.通过与试样对比.经过连续两周试验.试样保护率≥95%。 Resistance to gopher:The protection radio of the cable is more than 95%in two-week’s test by comparing the original cable. 11、可以根据用户需要生产其它型号和规格的直流电缆.也可提高电缆的耐温等级到125℃. We can manufacture other type cables according to consumer needs,and can make heat-resistant up to 125℃。