供稿:皮尔磁工业自动化贸易(上海)有限公司 2015/12/4 14:01:38
: 人气:226
近Pilz公司推出了第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统,其配合PSS 4000系统的评估模块PSSu K F FAU P能够为高速折弯机提供可靠的、符合欧洲标准EN 12622的解决方案。
众所周知普通的折弯机(中低速折弯机)都会有快慢速转换点这个概念,在该点之上折弯机的上模部分将会以大于10mm/s的速度进行下行—快进;在该点之下折弯机的上模部分将会以小于等于10mm/s的速度进行下行—工进。根据欧洲标准EN 12622的要求在快进阶段需要对上模部分的下方进行防护,一旦有异物侵入立刻停止快进动作;在工进阶段由于上模部分的运行速度较慢造成伤害的可能性较小,所以在这一阶段无需对上模部分的下方进行防护。
过去由于折弯机本身的机械停机响应速度以及传感器+系统的响应速度的问题会影响快慢速转换点的位置,如果位置太高则影响折弯机工作的效率,如果位置太低则无法满足上模部分紧急停止的距离要求。为了鱼和熊掌兼得,Pilz公司推出了第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统结合PSS 4000系统的评估模块PSSu K F FAU P的解决方案能够使得我们不再需要快慢速转换点这个概念。这样上模部分就会以较快的速度直接到达待折弯的板材上方进行折弯工序,工作效率能够提高至少40%。
实现这样一个高速折弯解决方案的原理是怎样的呢?第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统在传统的视觉保护区域底部增加了1个自我动态屏蔽检测点,配合使用的PSS 4000系统需要获知来自于CNC系统关于上模部分当前位置的数据信号。当自我动态屏蔽检测点检测到物体时且当前来自于CNC系统关于上模部分当前位置的数据信号也正好是动态屏蔽点这个位置时,PSENvip自动将本身的OSSD输出进行屏蔽(保持为1)。如果来自于CNC系统关于上模部分当前位置的数据信号没有到达动态屏蔽点这个位置时就有物体遮挡了第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统的自我动态屏蔽检测点则PSENvip会立即将OSSD输出变为0,因为在到达待折弯板材之前就碰到物体的话,那有可能是操作员的手或手臂。PSENvip视觉保护区域的这个自我动态屏蔽检测点和来自于CNC系统关于上模部分当前位置的数据信号构成了类似双通道的原理。
整个解决方案的控制部分是采用了Pilz公司创新的自动化系统—PSS 4000。针对折弯机行业的解决方案,Pilz开发了PSS 4000系统在折弯机上的评估模块PSSu K F FAU,其分为普通版本PSSu K F FAU B和版本PSSu K F FAU P。普通版本评估模块PSSu K F FAU B可配合第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统在中低速折弯机上的应用。版本评估模块PSSu K F FAU P可配合第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统在高速折弯机上的应用。PSS 4000系统的软件工具—PAS4000能够提供一个用户体验非常良好的编程环境。Pilz官网下载的PAS4000软件工具就已集成了折弯机应用相关的软件功能块,其中包含了高速折弯机应用上需要的折弯点控制功能块、PSENvip输出屏蔽功能块等,此外还包括了一般功能块,例如急停按钮、脚踏开关、门、双手控制、阀控制等。
目前第二代PSENvip折弯机视觉保护系统结合PSS 4000系统的评估模块PSSu K F FAU P的解决方案已经成功应用于奥地利百超机床有限公司以及日本天田机床有限公司。
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QQ :2880842794
邮箱 :2880842794@qq.com
传真 :0596-3119658(请备注林工收)
1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。
4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。
5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。
6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。
7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。
8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。
10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。
12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Fanuc a13b-0040-0780 Fan Line
HYDRAULIKA to 100-fv 50/150 DBH Cylinder
Merkle IP 100.32/20/125 .07 .201 S cylinder
Merkle IP 100.40/20/100.01+07.201.s Cylinder
Merkle IP 100.40/20/120.01+07.201.s Cylinder
Relay Module m001a-1 manufacturer unknown
Schunk APAS m1 Analog position sensor
Chiron Machine Control Board (BUNDLE = 6 pieces)
Lenze 7042 frequency inverter p2
OMRON 3g2a5-bp001 Prog. Console
Rose Pilot 30 29.50 01 00
PEPPERL + Fuchs 40190 ivi-khd2-4hrx evaluation-unit
MITSUBISHI cna31 Socket Module
Cpupk s26361-d525-v1 gs8 SNR 90 02 000426
Netstal KB 110.240.5135c/KB 1102405135c Control Panel
Castles TRANSFORMER PRI: 360-380-398-415-435v
BBC TG 5831 Veritron Brake Fittings
BBC TG 5831 Veritron Brake Fittings
Okuma Opus 5000 Main Card 3 Puncher, rs232c e4809-045-038-c/1911-1103-107-33
Okuma Opus 5000 Main Card 3 Puncher, rs232c e4809-045-038-c/1911-1103-72-138
B&r apc620 UPS Battery Unit 5ac600. upsb - 00 Rev. c0
R?hm 248-4949 000 = Max. 3000 RPM Sleeves tensioning Mandrel
Schunk DKG 78 Gripper 340032
Koenig hk050-ck11-111ak Expander 5,0 mm Un in Original Box PU 100 PC
Koenig hk050-ck11-111 Expander 5,0 mm un in opened original box PU 100 PC
Bosch evf3 842 339 049 for Swing Arm Robot SR 800
Double Collet Chuck WH 150 038-27 Diameter 57 mm x 112 MM-UN -
Brittle AC 25r02-5b gas equal pressure regulator-UN! -
Collet Chuck WH 253 606-4 Diameter 86, 5 mm x 58, 5 MM-UN -
Siemens 6rb2000-0ne00 Control
Pilz PNOZ xv2p 30/24vdc Safety Relay id.no.777500 > UN! <
IFM pn3000 Pressure Sensor G 1/4 > UN! <
OCE Plotwave 300/350 Toner > UN! <
Eltra DS 2,5 Transformer > UN! <
Siemens 6fc9320-8cc EPROM
Siemens 6es7307-1ba01-0aa1 SIMATIC s7 DIN Rail Power Supply e Stand 1-ungebrauch
Bosch 1070 064738 -103 Control Card 3901 I-C-T-H - E-V Nr 1070069164-105 Card n
Bosch EPROM 047116-301 401 047116-301 303
Fanuc a03b-0801-c115 Output Module od16c
Fanuc a81l-0001-0123 Reactor
Rexroth 4 TE 6 d52/ofag 24n9k4 Hydraulic Valve Hydronorma 24 V Coil Voltage
Square D 9012 hfw-1 Ser. a pressure switch
Zwick Type 066541 Factory NR 119967/98 lnom 60 mm connection cable to the zugprü...
Netstal HVR F 110.240.4848/HVR F 1102404848 Card
Mini-up control board dr220.4ib/391314100/2.054.330 L un
From CORODE CPMD - 07pp: Motor KPER 63g2 00ma1444-UN! -
BBC Brown Boveri qu100l4 Bat Motor
Neckar Engines d524 - 00008009 with pe3 Gear Motor
Ruhr GEARBOX 4dbf63a-4 to SN 8 Gear Motor-UN! -
Tsubaki gmt040l50b Gear Motor
Rexroth bts40.1n-bs/1070170035-203 Touch Panel-Un -
Rexroth bts16.1n-bs/170170034-202 Touch Panel-Un -
Festo dnu-63-180-ppv-a 14153 u308 Cylinder
Festo jmebh - 5/2-d-1-zsr-c 184495
SMC lva30-03-b1-v-x54 Pneumatic Control Valve
Siemens 6es5512-5bc12 Circuit
Siemens 6es5736-2bs20 Cable
Siemens 6es5848-8jb02 Software
Siemens 6es5848-8jb02 Software
Siemens pg675 konvertierungspro.
Siemens S 22761-l301-b1 Assembly
Trumpf 226409 control (Rack)
Siemens 6fx1120-3bb01 PLC Cu/EU Coupling Verse D UN!!!
Siemens 6fx2002-4ea20-1ag0 + fc6xv1830-3eh10 SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS
Siemens TELEPERM M operating and monitoring system OS 265-3
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-g8000-c006 Bus System CS 275
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-g8000-c030-05 function Assembly Manual Part 1
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-p9000-c086-03 OS 265-3 operating and monitoring system
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-g8000-c293 automation system as 235 H Manual
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-g8000-c032-04 coupling and compute Assembly Manual
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-g8000-c030-05 function Assembly Manual Part 2
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-p9000-c084 automation system as 235 H
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-g8000-c031-05 Signal Assembly Manual
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-p9000-c088-01 automation system as 235 var. F
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-p9000-c088-01 automation system as 235 var. F
Siemens TELEPERM M c79000-p9000-c088-01 automation system as 235 var. F
Siemens 3rt1034-1bb44 Contactor 15 KW dc24v-UN-BNIB
Siemens 6fc3151-2ha-z Fan Line
D72.4607 Card Adapter
D72.4608 Card phases Channel
D72.4609 Card me?teil
D72.4610 Card V-Control
D72.4611 Card V-Perf Part
OMRON s8ps-15024cd Power Supply-UN! -
Bosch 1070080381-302 Card
Bosch bm-dp12 Profibus Master 1070075887-304 - UN! -
Bosch nt200 Module 1070075096-310 - UN! -
Siemens 6rb2000-0ne00 Control
Siemens 6es5512-5bc12 SIMATIC Interface E Stand 10
Siemens 6es5512-5bc12 SIMATIC Interface E Stand 10
Siemens 6es5512-5bc12 SIMATIC Interface E Stand 09
Siemens 6es5512-5bc12 SIMATIC Interface E Stand 10
Siemens 6fx1817-0ax17 SINUMERIK EPROM Module E Stand 05
Lapp KABEL 6fx8002-2ah00-1df0/70389070 35 M Long-UN-BNIB
McGill SB 22206 w33 SS spherical roller bearings
Bosch 1070047961-108 E 24 V Input Version 1-UN! -
Siemens 6es7132-4hb00-0ab0 Relay Output PU 5 Piece > UN! <
Bosch 047830 - 4104 01 SM Controller Card
Bosch 047830 - 4064 01 SM Controller Card
Siemens 6fx8002-4eb10-1ca0 Signal Line > UN! <
Indramat swa-mtc200-gbo-17vrs-ms-c1,44-ms#dos documents
Siemens 6sc6100-0na01 Simodrive FGB scheme
Siemens 6fm1726-3aa00 positionierbaugruppe
Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8aa Analog Output E Stand 10
Siemens 6fx1154-8bb01 Video Interface
Siemens 6sc6100-0na01 FBG-scheme
Siemens 6sc6101-1w housing for 6sc61
Siemens 6sc6101-1w housing for 6sc61
Siemens 6xg3407-1aa02 Fan Assembly with 6fc3843-2fa-z
Siemens Sinumerik 6fx1154-8bb01
Siemens Sinumerik E-Prom 6fx1801-0bx10
Siemens 4av3500-2ab Rectifier Unit
Siemens 4ep4000-6cb kommutierungsdrossel
Heidenhain ROD 426 E 1250 Encoder ID. No. 232 956 15
Siemens 6fm1726-3aa00 positionierbaugruppe wf726a E Stand as photo
Siemens 6fx1131-3bc02 Bus Group E Stand a
Siemens 6fx1131-3bc02 Bus Group E Stand a
Siemens 6es5524-3ua13 SIMATIC Communication Processor E Stand 6
Siemens 6fx1131-3bc02 E-Stand a
SKF 6026 c4 Deep Groove Ball Bearing Bearings 130 x 200 x 33 MM-UN-BNIB
Measuring key with holder ? Ball: 1.5 mm, Thread: m6, Size 115 PU = 6 St. - UNUS...
Bosch 052243-105401 Fan Unit
Bosch 052190-406401 052190-301303 EPROM 16k
Bosch PC 200 Power Supply 038383-104
Bosch 0811109007 Hydraulic Valve
Bauer bs04-31v/d05la4-tob-k/e003b9/sp Gear Motor
Bauer bs04-31v/d05la4-tob-k/e003b9/sp GEAR MOTOR I = 1:10.73
Bauer bs04-31v/d05la4-tob-k/e003b9/sp GEAR MOTOR I = 1:10.73
Bauer bs04-31v/d05la4-tob-k/e003b9/sp GEAR MOTOR I = 1:10.73
Stephan ud71fh-4g Motor
Spandau Pumps PZ 13 f4 Electric Gear Pump-Un! -
Bauer g12-20/dk84-200-w Gear Motor > UN! <
Bauer DKP 8420/200 L Gear Motor
Bauer g12-20/dk 84-200 W Gear Motor > UN! <
Pneumatic Suction Grippers with Festo adu-12-10 (special design)
Festo dnc-32-700-ppv-a Cylinder 163304-UN! -
Festo ADVU - 100-40-a-p-a Compact Cylinder 156668 xo08-UN! -
Festo mn2h-5/3e-01-zsr Solenoid Valve 191315-UN! -
Festo LFR-D-Maxi Filter Regulator 159632-UN! -
Festo drqd - 20-90 - ppvj-o al-FW Swivel Drive 175802
Festo drqd - 20-90 - ppvj-o al-FW Swivel Drive 175802
Heidenhain EXE 610 Id. No. 218 597 02
Wandfluh Hydraulic am4z60b Hydraulic Valve with 24 V Coil Voltage
Atos dhi-0630/2 23 way valve with 1 Piece sp-coi-110/50/60/80 Solenoid Coil
Daikin jso-g02-2bp-20 Hydraulic Solenoid Valve
Dakin Solenoid Operated Valve ks0-g02-4ca-10-n MFG 3 9b
Dakin Solenoid Operated Valve ks0-g02-4ca-10-n MFG 3 09
Integral hydraulic s5z-6 250 bar Hydraulic Valve
AMG SAF 005/6 Twin Piston Swivel Drive 174019
AMG gsdfg 005/6 Twin Piston Swivel Drive 174019
BALLUFF bes0216 BES q40kfu-pac20a-s04g Inductive Sensor-UN -
Siemens c79165-a3012-b422 Cable 5 mtr.
Siemens c66117-a5206-a114 Rectifier Diodes Pillar un in opened OV
Siemens 8wd5320-5db built - in Lamp Beacon Light LED 24v UC, Red-UN -
Mushroom PZE 5v 3s 24v DC Emergency Stop Safety Relay 474965-UN! -
Gardens b7214 Cat p2 UL Spindle Bearing-UN! -
Gardens b7214 Cat p2 UL Spindle Bearing-UN! -
Gardens b7214 Cat p2 for Spindle Bearing-UN! -
IFM tr7430 Temperature Transmitter Sensor-UN! -
Wenglor oy2ta403at235 Light time sensor
IFM pn7004 Pressure Sensor G 1/4 > UN! <
Marposs 6830199508 Power Supply Board
Marposs e5 Rack with Marposs 6840 007 604 Board
CAPTRON Electronic cat-640-31g7/va-203-v0 Rod-Compact Probe with analog output
CAPTRON Electronic cat-720-21g7/vc-213n-p/d10 Rod-Compact Probe with schaltausga...
CAPTRON Electronic cat-780-21g7/va-203-v0/d10 Rod-Compact Probe Capacitive with ...
CAPTRON Electronic cat-780-21g7/va-203-v0/d10 Rod-Compact Probe Capacitive with ...
CAPTRON Electronic cat-860-21g6/va-203-v0 Rod-Compact Probe with analog output
Colortronic I/0 16 v3.1 Motherboard
Colortronic I/0 16 v3.1 Motherboard
Control Card Christian Electronics PS 100
Rexroth z2frm 6 cb2-20/6qrv MNR: r900910904 Hydraulic Valve > UN! <
Rexroth ZDR 6 dp2-43/75ym MNR: r900483786 Pressure Reducing Valve > ungebrauch
Meseltron MOVOMATIC Analog Multiplexer pc3147
Bosch 047042-101401 Fan Board
Gloria Europe machines operating panel 450 x 250 MM
Machine Control Panel f. Akebono ancl - 25 = 165 x 275 MM
Walter HMC 150 Fan Line 483/440 x 184 x 44 MM
FANAL DSL 93 Double Contactor
Hitachi BMU 1m-1 a87l-0001-0084 06c Circuit Board 702228624
AB. Balboni S 70451004 Electric Solenoid
Wiedeg Electronics 2925191 Relay Output Card 636.004/1.8.01 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2925191 Relay Output Card 636.004/1.8.01 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2925191 Relay Output Card 636.004/1.8.01 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2925191 Relay Output Card 636.004/1.8.01 - UN! -
Bosch 0 810 001 776/0810001776 Hydraulic Valve
Rexroth 3we 10 a30/ag24n9z4 Hydraulic Valve with 24v Coil Voltage
Rexroth 3we 10 a30/ag24nz4 Hydraulic Valve with 24v Coil Voltage
Rexroth 3we 10 a30/ag24nz4 Hydraulic Valve with 24v Coil Voltage
Rexroth 3we 10 a30/cg24n9z4 Hydraulic Valve with 24v Coil Voltage
Rexroth 4 TE 10 d32/cg24n9k4 with Coil 019793 088 gz63-4-a 24v
Rexroth 4 TE 10 d32/cg24n9ka with Spool 019793 K 079 24v
Rexroth 4 TE 6 u52/ag24nk4 Hydraulic Valve
Rexroth 4we 10 d33/cg24nz4 with Spool 019793 K 429 24v
Rexroth z4weh10e63-42/6 AG 24 Network 4 Valve + 4we6y53/ag24nz4 Valve + 24v Spoo...
Seehausen 10-we 10 DA Directional Control Valve 0240-g0 UN!!!
Seehausen 10-we 10 DA Directional Control Valve 0240-g0 UN!!!
Condor msp1548a Power Supply
Wiedeg Electronics 4709503 input card 636.001/1.4.01 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2927942 IEC Card 636.018/1.4.02
Wiedeg Electronics 4706155 2. System 652.0.8/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4706155 2. System 652.0.8/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.018.001 Print Card-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.010.002 Print Card-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.011.011 Print Card-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709665 Sums Educational M. parameterumsch. - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709960 Zero Pulse Training 652.011/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.017.001 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.004.101 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.004.101 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709633 Tug-Controller Card 632.038/1.5 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4706062 Memory Card 635.022/1.32 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709771 12 Bit DAC card 636.016/1.4 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709746 CPU Card 635.004/1.6 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709686 Ramp-donor-Axis-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709686 Ramp-donor-Axis-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709537 24 Bit-Meter-Card 636.014/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709687 Ramp-donor-Axis-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.366 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.343.002 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.383.001 Stroke production-Joystick-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii 1.6.09 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii1.209 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii 1.2a09 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii1.2a09 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii 1.2a09 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii 1.2a09 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 632.02/iii 1.2a09 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.355.001 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.355.001 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.355.001 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709876 hochlaufg. LED. Axle 636.034/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709739 Memory Card 635.003/1.9 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709739 Memory Expansion 635.003/1.9 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.366 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.366 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.366 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.366 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.004.112 printkarte-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.353.002 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.353.002 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 650.353.002 CARD-UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2921032 input K. 16x24 V 636.001/1.5.02 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2921032 input card 16x24v 636.001/1.5.02 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709641 MWE-Transfer Connector 632.039/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709641 MWE-Transfer Connector 632.039/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2921302 input K. 636.001/1.5.02 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2921032 input card 165x24 V 636.001/1.5.02 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 2925022 System Coupler 635.006/1.1.02 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 hochlaufg. fführ. Axle 636.034/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709876 hochlaufg. LED. Axle 636.034/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709876 Ramp-donor leading. A. 636.034/1.2 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4709876 Ramp-donor went. A. 636.034/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709361 CMOS RAM is Card 635.022/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709380 CPU Card 635.004/1.10 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709739 Memory Expansion 635.003/1.9 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4706035 CPU Card 635.023/1.35 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4706035 CPU Card 635.023/1.35 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2927642 A/D Converter Card 636.015/1.5.02 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709764 A/D Converter Card 636.015/1.5 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709380 CPU Card 635.004/1.10 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709764 A/D Converter Card 636.015/1.5 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 2927641 A/D wandlerka. einkan. 636.015/1.5.01 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4706035 CPU Card 635.023/1.35 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709934 Memory Card 635.003/1.14 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709934 Memory Card 635.003/1.14 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709537 24-bit - Meter 636.014/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709537 24-bit - Meter 636.014/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709627 Tug-Controller Card 632.038/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709771 D/A Converter Card 636.016/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709771 D/A Converter Card 636.016/1.2 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709640 CNC handover card 632.039/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709640 CNC Transfer 632.039/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4706035 CPU Card 635.023/1.35 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709380 CPU Card 635.004/1.10 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 Ramp-donor leading axle 636.034/1.1 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 Ramp-donor leading axle 636.034/1.1 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 Ramp-donor leading axle 636.034/1.1 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 Ramp-donor leading axle 636.034/1.1 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 Ramp-donor F. Axle 636.034/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709875 Ramp-donor leading axle 636.034/1.1 UN!
Wiedeg Electronics 4709627 Tug-Controller Card 632.038/1.1 - UN! -
Wiedeg Electronics 4709627 Tug-Controller Card 632.038/1.1 - UN! -
Fanuc a20b-1000-0970/04a Card
Mannesmann Rexroth 4we 6 j53/ag24nz4 Solenoid Valve 456448/0-UN! -
AGIE 616011 3 bab-01 a back board
AGIE wid-02 a2 Wire Distribution no 622523.9
AGIE ZCH. No. 614 482.9 Extension Board
AGIE wid-01 a2 Wire Distribution no 622513.0
AGIE wid-02 a2 Wire Distribution no 622523.9
AGIE wid-02 a2 Wire Distribution no 622523.9
AGIE NNC 3000 C DYB 100 Card ZCH. No. 615 262.3
AGIE MJG 3408 D Engine Supply ZCH. no 613.300
AGIE 615171.6 Back Board for Intel MJG 0150 B
AGIE 619942.6 Power Adapter ejg6013a
Bosch 048857-110 accessory for all modules SM 5/10... 50/100 - UN! -
Holder de100ld Induction Motor 3 ~ - UN! -
Gossen METRAWATT-u2687-v009 electricity meters-UN! -
Murrelektronik 56601 Expansion Module
Murrelektronik 56450 Cube 20 bn67 di08
Murrelektronik 56200 Analog Input Module
Fanalog ZS 1231 PCB for fanalog PC 12
WABCO pc-12 R Control Module
Lenze emb8253-e Brake Unit
Chassis for Machine Control Panel 55x52x12cm
Electromatic RUNDEL 02912/0290 Digital Display Unit 4 numbers
Euchner tz1le024rc18vab SAFETY SWITCH TZ = Un!!!
Heidenhain ROD 426b.016-1024 Encoder ID. No.: 254 204 0p
Electronic product Electronics Module Maho Scan Id. No. 27.073.327 REC. 2
SOPREL cpc-110a/30 Card 7.32.010
SOPREL cpc-110a/30 Card 7.32.010
CTE research cte410d Card
Western Digital 61-000328-01 Card
Infranor 11026 00 032 Card
BTI VS-R-opdec Super Magnet-UN! -
Lappkabel Multi-Standard SC 2.1 1x16 gnye 50 mtr. - UN! -
Eltra el63e 250z5l10s3ma. 086 Encoder
Eltra el63e 500z5l10s3mr. 086 Encoder
SOPREL cpc-110 a/30
SOPREL cpc-110 a/30
Expander ? 235.25 x 12.7 MM
Rollon CEX 45-150-2rs Linear Unit Runner-UN-BNIB
Bruckner SG MK 3 5121 -3 Revolving High Performance Tip-UN -
Euchner TZ 1 LE 024 MVAB-c1828 Safety Switch AC/DC 24 V
Siemens c98043-a1206-l17 03 Circuit Board
Angst + Pfister DT 80 0021 0063/817 x 6 Round Cord Ring Pack = 6 St. ungeb
AMG SAF 005/6/174019 Twin Piston Swivel Drive
Vegetable 554/20/d 195-1-1-5600 Angle Seat Valve 3/8"
Festo dngzk - 63-200-ppv-a Cylinder 36444-UN! -
Festo dngzk - 63-200-ppv-a Cylinder 36444-UN! -
Festo dngzk - 63-200-ppv-a Cylinder 36444-UN! -
Festo dngzk - 63-200-ppv-a Cylinder 36444-UN! -
Festo dngzk - 63-200-ppv-a Cylinder 36444-UN! -
Pneumatic Cylinder L = 1365 MM-UN! -
HOERBIGER-ORIGA pa62250-0400 Cylinder azv3d5080-UN! -
Lumberg 0950 ISL 205 Interbus-S
Lumberg 0950 ISL 201 Interbus-S
Lumberg 0950 ISL 201 Interbus-S
Lumberg 0950 ISL 205 Interbus-S
SKF BSD 3062 G Axial Angular Contact Ball Bearing > UN! <
Helukabel jz-602 UL CSA 3xawg 16 Grey P/N 83071-UN! -
Siemens 6fx8002-5da05-1ba0 Motion Connect Connection Cable-UN! -
Siemens 6fx8002-2eq10-1ae0 Signal Cable-UN! -
Renishaw a-2037-0020-00 mi8 Interface Unit > UN! <
Renishaw a-2037-0020-01 mi8 Interface Unit > UN! <
Renishaw a-2075-0020-01 mi8 Interface Unit > UN! <
REXNORD 9650-37-000 Clutch 21014735 05/05 - UN! -
REXNORD 9650-37-000 Clutch 21010139 07/06 - UN! -
REXNORD 9650-37-000 Clutch 21013963 05/07 - UN! -
IFM pn3000 Pressure Sensor g1/4 - UN -
Pilz PNOZ x3p 24vdc Safety Relay id.no.777310 > UN! <
BALLUFF Bus m18m1-gpxi-02/015-s92g Ultrasonic Sensor bus0020 > UN!
Bauer bg05-31/d05la4-tf-k/e003b9 Gear Motor
Bosch 048118-402401/047850-402303 Card
Bosch Rexroth r165121420 Ball Car-UN! -
Siemens 6es5524-3ua13 SIMATIC Communication Processor E-Stand 4 + 5
Engine Pipe 4181 ikg4181/01030 16qmm length = 10 M > UN! <
Kapsto GPN 910 3044 Cover plugs ? 66.0/60.2 MM = PU 468 Piece >
Siemens 6sc6100-0na01 FBG scheme
Siemens 6sc6100-0na01 FBG scheme
Siemens 6es7972-0ca33-0xa0 TS Adaptor
Siemens 6es7141-1bf10-0xb0 et 200x + 6es7194-1fc00-0xa0 Connector Plate
Siemens 6es7963-2aa00-0aa0 SIMATIC Interface Module Interface Module TTY E Sta
Allen Bradley Cat 1747-l524 PROCESSOR UNIT SLC 500 Series C
Baumüller BFN 3-1-50 Mains Filter
Bosch Indramat CTA 04.1n OP Panel Display
Bosch Indramat CTA 04.1n OP Panel Display
Fanuc a20b-0007-006.02a System Board
Fanuc BMU 1m-1 a87l-0001-0084 06c CNC Memory board
Heidenhain EXE 610 f10 interpolation digitizing Encoder ID 218 597 02
Heidenhain NR 251 681 08 - 1024 Imp. Encoder Encoder ROD
Rexroth 4 TE 10 d32/cg24n9z4 Hydraulic Valve + Hydronorma gz63-4-a 324 24v Coil
Mannesmann Rexroth 4we 10 D 32/cg24n9z4 Hydronorma Hydraulic Valve
Herion D z5 CS 10 H GZ 70 Hydraulic Valve 60 152 42 Max 100 BAR
Merkle IP 100.25/12/400 .00 .204 U Hydraulic Cylinder
Merkle IP 100.25/12/500 .00 .204 U Hydraulic Cylinder
Hydraulic Ring you 0,5h06e1 Pressure Control Valve Lockable = Un!!!
Rexroth 4we 6 d62/ofeg 24n9k4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Rexroth 4we 6 d62/ofeg 24n9k4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Rexroth 4we 6 d62/ofeg 24n9k4 Directional Control Valve 24 V Coil Voltage
Vickers dg4v-3s 2c M U h5 60 SOLENOID HYDRAULIC VALVE 24v Coil Voltage
Rexroth 4 TE 6 d52/ag24nk4 Hydraulic Valve
Klockner Moeller zm6-40 Trigger Block