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供稿:Omega工业测量(中国) 2015/12/2 10:36:32

: 人气:166

LR1000系列流量传感器可以测量从20 mL/min的极低流速到5 L/min的流速。这些传感器适合各种工业、商业及实验室流量应用。FLR1000系列流量传感器使用12 Vdc电源,该系列产品可集成到为传感器提供12.5 Vdc电源并从传感器接收0 ~ 5 Vdc线性信号的数据采集系统中。由于成本效益因素,在需要使用与流速成比例的电信号应用中,FLR1000系列流量计可以取代传统的玻璃管或球式流量计。

FLR1000系列利用冲击式涡轮确定气体流速。涡轮转速在大动态范围内呈线性。光电系统包括一个发射红外光的二级管。光能由沉积在小涡轮上的"轮辐"交替反射和吸收。由一个光电二极管来检测这种反射的光能。因此,涡轮在气体流速作用下旋转时,电路将产生电脉冲。信号处理电路可提供与流速成比例的直流电压输出。例如,在额定流速的20%时,输出信号为1.0 Vdc;在额定流速的50%时,为2.5 Vdc;在额定流速的80%时,为4.0 Vdc,在达到额定流速时,为5.0 Vdc。传感器可以处理高于额定流速20%的流速而不致于 损坏。

在带有一体式流速显示屏的液体流量计领域,FLR1000ST-D 系列一直占据地位。它们先进的冲击式涡轮设计提供高量程比、快速响应,以及可重复的精度。0 ~ 5 Vdc模拟输出为标准输出信号。这些流量计拥有以工程单位显示流速的3?位数字显示屏,是所有实验室或测试机构的理想之选。对于压力更大或者需要采用金属结构 的应用,FLR1000ST系列流量计是合适的解决方案,参见FLR1000ST产品介绍,可了解完整详情。5.jpg

? PPS或铜质结构

? 液体的测量精度为1%

? 重复性高达0.2%

? 0 ~ 5V模拟输出

? 可选带显示屏或不带显示屏型号


精度: 满量程的±1%(液体)和±3%(气体)

显示屏: 3? 位数字LCD显示屏,22 mm (?")高

输出信号: 0 ~ 5 Vdc,可调范围为±20%(常规)

电源要求: 11.5 ~ 15 Vdc稳压电源,30 mA(常规)

标配传感器材质: 40%玻璃纤维填充的聚苯硫醚、玻璃视窗、不锈钢轴承座;蓝宝石轴和轴承;氟橡胶O形圈(标配)

额定压力: 20?C (68?F)时为40 psi(气体);100 psi(液体);500 psi(进行液体测量的铜质流量计)

额定温度: 0 ~ 50?C (32 ~ 122?F)

温度灵敏度: ±0.2%/?C

线性度: 满量程的±3%

重复性: 对于气体,在额定大流量的50% ~100%范围内,为满量程的±0.5%;


电缆组件: 长度为0.9 m (3')的电缆


带显示屏: 76 x 44 x 89 mm  (3 x 1.75 x 3.5")

不带显示屏: 60 x 42 x 37 mm  (2.35 x 1.65 x 1.25")

压力灵敏度: ±0.07%/mm Hg(使用1 ~ 3个大气压的空气)

安装方式: 安装孔为#4螺钉的孔






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1:Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。

2:Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。

3:Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。

4:Rockwell Allen-Bradley: Reliance瑞恩、SLC500/1747/1746、MicroLogix/1761/1763/1762/1766/1764、CompactLogix/1769/1768、Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788、PLC-5/1771/1785等。

5:Schneider Modicon(施耐德莫迪康):Quantum 140系列处理器、控制卡、电源模块等。

6:ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列、Bailey INFI 90等。

7:Siemens(西门子):Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1,Siemens数控系统等。

8:Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。

9:XYCOM:I/O 、VME板和处理器等。

10:GE FANUC(GE发那科):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。


12:Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。



OMRON c200hw-bc051 Base Unit

OMRON s8jx-g10024cd Power Supply

Wenglor uf66vcf3 Reflex Buttons

BALLUFF BDG 6360-78-3-05-1080-65 Incremental Encoder

BALLUFF BDG 6360-78-3-05-1080-65 Incremental Encoder

Rather awake Orff WDG 50b-50-abn-g24-s2 Incremental Rotary Encoder Un in Ori...

Wenglor reflection light switches uc44 pcs420 = Un!!! = - UN - =

East 5e-1425 Rule Card From Kuka Robot

East SEF 5e-1428 Input/Output Card Rule Card From Kuka Robot

East SEF 5e 1424-1 Rule Card Output Card From Kuka Robot

Sew Movitrac FBU 11 8205671 .11 Card from Inverter

Sew Movitrac FCH 11 8208921 Card from Inverter

Sew Movitrac FDS 12 8207518 Card from Inverter

Sew Movitrac FRA 11 8208913 Card from Inverter

IKEGAI p002 15010089 Relay Output Unit

Leuze HRTR 46b/66-s12 reflection light switches with background suppression Art ...

Sick WSU 26/2-230 Safety Light Curtain Art NR 1015745-UN -

Texas Instruments TM 990/E 251 a Board NR 1600380 C

Indramat 109-380-4203b-2 Axle Module Card tss4 18a 2, 5v

Indramat 109-380-4203b-2 Axle Module Card tss4 25a 4v

Indramat rme12.2-32-dc024 Input Module

Pilz PNOZ x2 24vac/dc 2n/o/774003 Emergency Stop Switch

Pilz PNOZ x2.7p Emergency Stop Switch Unit 777305 24vac

Pilz PNOZ x2.7p Emergency Stop Switch Unit 777305 24vac

Pilz PNOZ x2.7p Emergency Stop Switch Unit 777305 24vac

Aoki Seimitsu Kogyo La 1 Reducer 1:50

Aoki Seimitsu Kogyo LB 2 Reducer 1:20

Lenze gst04 -1 mvbr 063-12 005 F

Mattke rt-130m Servo Motor

Oriental Motor 2rk6gn-cwm un 100% Functional

Oriental Motor 51k90a-sf un 100% Functional

Oriental Motor cb1560r-302 un 100% Functional

Oriental Motor cbi540-702 Clutch & Brake Motor

Sew dft71d4 Motor

SSB df-sgf008-0490.600.40 Motor

St?ber p322spr0250me 060/075/14, GEAR, t2b: 65nm, hole spacing of attachments

HP Hewlett Packard HP LaserJet Pro 400 Color m451dn in packaging

Siemens 6fx8002-5ca01-1ag0 Performance Line > UN! <

Siemens 6fx8002-5da01-1bc0 Performance Line > UN! <

Walter TITEX a1200-6205640 schrumpffutter hsk-a40 d8 a80 > UN! <

Telemecanique lc1 d80 (lp1 d8011) Power Switch 125 AMP CONTACTOR RELAY ungebrauc...

Rexroth Bus in/out = B ~ IO k-can16do = 1070079743-UN -

Bosch 0 822 240 033/0822240033 Cylinder 32/900

Martonair/Norgren M 1744 123 G 1/2/m1744123g1/2 Valve with 2 Coils 220-240v

SMC evex 1300-04f Pressure Control Valve Max Pressure 1, 0 MPA output pressure 0...

SMC mgpl 12-30 Compact Cylinder With Guide

SMC mgpl 12 - 30 Compact Cylinder with Guide-UN-BNIB

Tünkers K 50 Z a10 t12 120 ° Pneumatic Compressor

Indramat dsm02.1-fw/fwc-dsm2.1-ase-02 software modules > UN! <

Indramat dsm02.1-fw/fwc-dsm2.1-ase-02 software modules > UN! <

Idramat mod14/1x019-092 Programming Module m0k 7 109-0590-4a06-01

Indramat mod1/1x1080-359 Programming Module 931201

Indramat mod13/1x0233-359 Programming Module 931201

Indramat mod13/1x0233-359 Programming Module 931201

Indramat mod3/1x0395-359 Programming Module 931201

Indramat mod3/1x0395-359 Programming Module 931201

Indramat mod3/1x0396-359 Programming Module 931201

Indramat mod4/1x105-002 Programming Module 109-0575-4a10-03

Siemens 6es5340-3kb31 Interface Module

Siemens 6es5340-3kb31 Memory Module-UN! -

Siemens 6es5420-4ua14 Digital Input Module-UN! -

Siemens 6es5460-4ua12 CPU in Sealed Original Box

Siemens 6es5524-3ua13 SIMATIC 5 + 6es5752-0aa22

Siemens 6es5866-0ma11 Software

Siemens 6fx1126-0bf01 EPROM

Frizlen fzdp 200x35s Power Resistor

Machine Control Panel 543 x 155 MM

Siemens c66117-a5206-a114 Rectifier Diodes Pillar

Siemens Sinumerik 840 D NCU 572 6fc5250-3ax20-5ah0 Single Licence PCMIA Standard

Siemens simadyn 6dc3002-1cc TELEPERM

Siemens EGH Mock Sirius Position Switch 3se5112-0ch02/3se5132-0ba00/3

Siemens Sinumerik 840 D NCU 572 6fc5250-3ax20-5ah0 Single Licence PCMIA Standard

Bader 045-100-0721 Fan Unit

Bader 045-100-0721 Fan Unit

Bader 045-100-0721 Fan Unit

Ismet 89/053005 Transformer DAW YY with Rectifier Pillar

Techno-Volt 410 6457 Transformer

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK CPU

Siemens 3tf49 Contactor Contactor

Siemens 6fx1128-4ba00 E-Prom

Siemens 6fx1822-0ax16-3a EPROM 548 236 7010 .00

Siemens 6fx1822-1bx01-2d E-Prom

Siemens 6fx1822-bx01-2d E-Prom

Siemens SIMOVERT CAPACITOR MODULE c98043-a1238-l106

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8aa + c79458-l442-b1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8aa + c79458-l442-b1

Bader 045-100-0721 Fan Unit

Prometec 0.st.pa1.22 Power Adapter Card for Sensor Terminal PA 122

Rittal USP 1.1 Prf. 19 268063 Board

Sew Eurodrive 1270 374 5 connection cable L = 31 M-UN! -

Siemens e88310-w793 - z02 System Board

Siemens simadyn 6dd1610-0af0 Verse D Memory Module

Euchner tz1 re 024sr11 Safety Switch 24 V AC/DC with Side Actuator

Frizlen fzdp 200x35 S - 2.5? Pipe Fixed Resistor

Frizlen fzdp 200x35 S - 4.9? Pipe Fixed Resistor

Siemens 6es5255-3aa11 Mona-s5

Siemens 6es5312-3ab12 circuit in 312 with c79195-a3856-e710

Siemens 6es5420-4ua14 Digital Input

Sick WSU 26/2-230 Safety Light Curtain Art NR 1015 745 24 VDC-Un

Siemens 6fx1128-1ba00 SINUMERIK Storage Assembly Verse C UN!!! in ge?f

Siemens 6fx1128-1ba00 SINUMERIK Storage Assembly Verse C-UN-IN ge?f

Siemens 6fx1128-1ba00 SINUMERIK Board Verse C-un-in opened original packagin...

Angel D 2945.1/2c-g27-b2.2 DC Motor > UN! <

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK NC CPU E-G

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK NC CPU E-G

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK Servo CPU E Stand E

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK Servo CPU E Stand E

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK Servo CPU E Stand E

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK NC CPU E-G

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 Verse E SINUMERIK CPU Card

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 Verse G SINUMERIK central processor

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK CPU Card 570 213 9101. E-D

Siemens 6fx1154-8bb01 SINUMERIK Video Connection/CPU E Stand C

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK CPU Card E Stand D

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK CPU Card E Stand D

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK central processor E-G

Siemens 6es5312-3ab12 Circuit

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK central processor

Siemens 6fx1860-0bx02-4c SINUMERIK Memory Module

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK CPU Card E Stand D

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK Central Assembly E-G

Siemens 6fx1120-5bb01 SINUMERIK Central Assembly E-G

Siemens 6sc6100-0na01 Simodrive FBG scheme

Siemens 6fx1121-3ba01 SINUMERIK CPU Card E Stand E

Siemens 6fx1154-8bb01 Video Interface

Siemens 6fc3178-3ef Machine Control Panel

Siemens 6es5524-3ua13 SIMATIC Communication Processor E Stand 6 + 6es5752-0aa22

Siemens 6es5524-3ua13 SIMATIC Communication Processor E Stand 6

Siemens 6es5524-3ua13 SIMATIC Communication Processor E Stand 6 + 6es5752-0aa22

Carl bockwoldt GEARBOX ENGINE CB 0-71n/4d

M.I. Backplane H 2.1.001 p3 LS manufacturer unknown 

Siemens 6fx8002-2dc20-1ab5 Signal Line-UN! -

Siemens 6fx5002-5ds01-1ad0 Power Cable-UN! -

Siemens 6fx5002-5ds01-1ad0 Power Cable-UN! -

Allen Bradley Electronics Card 960033 REV - 2-UN! -

Bosch Rack GG PC 1070052000-107

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1402-8ba REGULATOR ASSEMBLY E Stand 2

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1402-8ba REGULATOR ASSEMBLY E Stand 2

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1402-8ba REGULATOR ASSEMBLY E Stand 2

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1402-8ba REGULATOR ASSEMBLY E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1402-8ba REGULATOR ASSEMBLY E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1702-8rr Analog Output group E Stand 4

Heidenhain EXE 610 B interpolation box id. No. 241 640 01

Heidenhain EXE 610 B interpolation box id. No. 241 640 01

Siemens Simatic 6es7134-4jb00-0ab0 Analog Input E-Stand 04-UN -

Siemens 6es5482-7lf21 SIMATIC Digital Input/Output E Stand 1

Leroy Somer LS 63 E AC-asynchronous motor with Lenze 12.304.03.2/3200/0541 get

Festo Dnci - 32-160-p-a Cylinder 535411-UN! -

Heller/Uni Pro a 23.032 282-000/0925 Control Card CPU 28

Heller/Uni Pro C 23.032 282-000/10704 Control Card CPU 16

Heller/Uni Pro C 23.032 282-000/4774 Control Card CPU 16

Rexroth VT-Vspa 1-1-11 Amplifier Card, Serial No. according to photo-UN! -

Sick ws/we9-2p630 Disposable Light Curtain

Heller/Uni Pro C 23.032 282-000/4071 Control Card CPU 40

Heller a 23.032 245-000/2281, Heller 20.002 613-1 Card  good erhaltun

Heller 20.002 025 Card  good erhalzungszustand

Heller CPU 67 a 23.032 282-000/2435 20.002 022-4 Card  Good Condition

Heller Mub 76 20 002 040 -4 Card  Good Condition

Heller CPU 67 C 23.032 282-000/4791 20.002 022-5 Card  Good'

Heller CPU 67 C 23.032 282-000/4591 20.002 022-5 Card  Good Condition

Heller Mad 64 C 23.032 299-000/0894 20.002 549-3 Card  Good Condition

Heller a 23.032 282-000/0400 20.002 022-3 Card  good erhaltungszustan

Allen Bradley pc-639-0593 Rev. B resolver 2

Murr Elektronik Cube 67 Expansion Module 56701-UN -

IPF pt180424 Sensor Laser Probe

Num 263900002a relayage 24s

Num 263900001c Interface 32e

Rexroth 0 608 800 629 tightening Spindle vns2a152-UN! -

Rexroth 0 608 800 629 tightening Spindle vns2a152-UN! -

HP LaserJet 824a Toner Cyan CB 381a > UN! <

Num 263900002a relayage 24s

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear with additional card (see ...

OMRON g6b-4bnd Universal Relay 4 Pole 5a 250 Vac

Vickers dgmpc 3 MiniCard Bak 41 Check Valve

Vickers dgmpc 3 MiniCard Bak 41 Hydraulic Check Valve

KEYENCE pz-g61n Photo Electric Sensor Square Retro Reflective Cable

Sick wt24-2v510 reflection Light Switches Art NR 1017855-UN -

Mushroom 774405 Pad/Si 800/4096i/5vdc Signal adjustment adapter

Rexroth cl200 ZE 200 on Profibus Master SPS Central Unit-UN -

Rexroth Profibus Master SPS CL 200 pos-sa2 position ASSEMBLY-UN -

Rexroth Bus in/out = B ~ IO M-BK-IBS/L _ a = 1070081256

Num 200577-b26/0204203361 C Raw Card

Lenze emb9351-e Brake Module for servo converter-un-in opened original packa...

OMRON cqm1-pd026 Power Supply Unit 24v DC 50w

Schaffner 3g3rv-pfi3018-se EMC Mesh Filter-UN-BNIB

Bosch Bus in/out = B ~ IO 67s-dp 8di/8do = 1070920711 - 104-UN -

Siemens 6fx1817-0ax16 SINUMERIK EPROM Module E Stand 05

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7307-1ka01-0aa0 Power Supply E-Stand 1-UN -

Siemens Simatic s7-300 6es7953-8lj30-0aa0 Memory Card 512 KB-UN -

Siemens Simatic s7-300 6es7953-8lj30-0aa0 Memory Card 512 KB-UN -

Siemens 6es7307-1ka01-0aa0 Power E Stand 1

Siemens 6es7307-1ka01-0aa0 Power E Stand 1

Fanuc a14b-0076-b001 Input Unit

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake (without gearbox)

Groschop WK 07014 Gear Motor with BRAKE (without gearbox)

Groschop wk0701401 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0701401 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0341501 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0701401 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0701401 geared motor with brake

Groschop wk0701401 geared motor with brake

Groschop WK 7014 Gear Motor with BRAKE

Groschop wk0701401 geared motor with brake

Klockner Moeller zm6-125 + nzm6-125 Power Switch

Siemens 3ne3434 HLS Fuse Link 500a PU = 3 pieces-UN! -

Heller/Uni Pro F 23.032 301-000/4582 Control Card Mub 01

Heller/Uni Pro F 23.032 301-000/5451 Control Card Mub 13 1.6-43

Heller a 23.032 289-000/1224 Heller 20.002 025 CARD  GOOD CONSERVATION

Heller 20.002. 025 Card  Good Condition

Heller 23.032 289-000/1239 Heller 20.002 025 Card  good erhaltungszus

Heller/Uni Pro E 23.032 301-000/0045 Control Card

Hydac 6063118 = 4we 6 D s01-24dg/V 320bar Way Valve > UN

Siemens 3rv1042-4ea10 Circuit Breaker > UN! <

Hydac 4we 6 D s01-24dg/v-6063118 4/2 Way Valve 24 V Coil Voltage >

Binder 41 426-07100 No/069 Magnetic Switch 24 V

Loher BA 112ma-2d60 3 ~ Engine

Euchner TZ 1 LE 024 RC 18 vabh-c1826 Safety Switch = Un!!!

OTELO 40217025 Inside Micrometer Range 5-30 MM

Rexroth MNR: 08213003540 and MNR: 0821301501 Filter Pressure Regulator-UN! -

SMC c95sdt63-0200-cem10496 Cylinder-UN! -

Bosch 056377-202401 EPROM 512 k Module

Fanuc a20b-1002-0290/01a Circuit Board

Festo dnn-32-730-ppv-a Cylinder

Heidenhain h10 242 445 01 2333920 an interface

Rexroth Z 2 FS 10-25v Throttle Valve Twin Hydronorma

Euchner tz1le024rc18vab Safety Switch verblombt and un in ge?ffne

Siemens 6ec1660 -3 asimatic c1

Desina ENGINE PIPE 5da58 Pur Length 25,00 M > UN! <

AFE h428 1c Profibus Interface AB-DT-PDP Ver 1. 21

KEYENCE pz-g61cb Photo Electric Sensor with Integral me?verst?rker-ungebr

T56b1 asynchronous motor > UN! <

Siemens 6fx1822-0ax16-4a EPROM Module

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7963-1aa00-0aa0 Version 02 Interface Module rs232

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1703-8ab e1 with c79040-a92-c264-02-86 = Un in or

IFM pn7002 Pressure Sensor g1/4 - UN -

Siemens 3rx9502-0ba00 Power Supply-UN! -

Heller Mad 64 a 23.032 299-000/020 20.002 549-2 CARD  GOOD CONSERVATION

Siemens 6fx1128-1be00 Storage Base Assembly

MITSUBISHI WABCO pc-220 P-E Adjuster Module

MITSUBISHI WABCO pc-20 P-E Panel operator display

St?ber p221spr0080me Planetary Gear

IFM Electronic pn7002 Pressure Sensor with Display > UN! <

Allen Bradley Cat 1746-oa16 SLC 500 Output Module

Siemens 6fc5247-0af11-0aa0 SINUMERIK 810/840 D directly keys Module PROFIBUS DP ...

OMRON g9sa-301 Safety Relay Unit

Lenze Brake Resistor erbp 047r200w un in sealed packaging

Lenze erbp 047r200w Brake Resistor 47 Ohm 200 W-UN -

Bosch PC TS 400 Module Mat. No.: 041527-209401

Bosch PC TS 400 modules mat. NR: 041527-209401

JOLA RK 2/s Cultivation Switch with 1,5 m connection cable and instructions

Steinmeyer Trans Screw L = 160 MM

Hydraulic Ring hvmp 064a06b3 Valve > UN! <

Siemens 6es5482-7la11 SIMATIC Digital in/output E Stand 11

Allen Bradley Electronics Card 962142, c/l96214321 - UN! -

Allen Bradley Electronics Card 960037 REV - 03-UN! -

Allen Bradley Electronics Card 960035 Rev 3

Allen Bradley Electronics Card 960037 REV - 3-UN! -

Allen Bradley Electronics Card 960185 REV - 2-UN! -

Bosch PC 400/600 050560-407 Original Version 1 a 24v =/0,5ae (32) - UN!

Bosch PC 400/600 050560-407 Original Version 1 a 24v =/0,5ae (32) - UN!

Bosch PC 400/600 050560-407 Original Version 1 a 24v =/0,5ae (32) - UN!

Bosch PC 400/600 050560-407 Original Version 1 a 24v =/0,5ae (32) - UN!

Bosch PC 400/600 044305-114 output 2 Pin Version 1 a24v =/2a (16) 2pol-ungeb

Bosch PC 400/600 044305-114 output 2 Pin Version 1 a24v =/2a (16) 2pol-ungeb

Bosch p600 Mat. No. 041363-308401 Module E Stand 2

Indramat dim2 109-0919-4b01-01 Card

Siemens 6sd9207-8aa connection distribution structure device

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 SINUMERIK Servo Interface E Stand a

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1703-8ab measuring points enlargement E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1703-8ab measuring points enlargement E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1603-8ba Binary Edition E Stand 2

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1603-8ba Binary Edition E Stand 2

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens 3rv1042-4ea10 Circuit Breaker

Siemens 3rv1042-4ea10 Circuit Breaker

Siemens 3rv1042-4ea10 Circuit Breaker

Siemens 3rv1042-4ea10 Circuit Breaker

Siemens 4620087701.01 Simodrive settlement Shear 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Version B

Siemens 4620087701.01 Simodrive settlement Shear 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Version B

Siemens 570 330 9101 .00 Board

Siemens 6dd1610-0ag1 EPROM

Siemens 6fc3671-0ha-z Fan

Siemens 6fc3761-0ja-z Fan

Siemens 6fx2002-2ad00-1ak0 CABLE-UN! -

Siemens E-Prom 6fx1860-0bx01-4e

Siemens E-Prom 6fx1860-0bx02-4e

Siemens E-Prom 6fx1862-0bx01-4e

Siemens E-Prom 6fx1862-0bx12-4e

Siemens E-Prom 6fx1863-0bx01-4e

Siemens Sinumerik Battery Tray 6fx1410-0cx44

Siemens smp-e211-a11 c8451-a1-a107-3 Control Card

Siemens TELEPERM 6ds3915-8aa Video relay

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1602-8ba Digital Input Module E Stand 5

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1703-8ab measuring points enlargement E Stand 1

Siemens TELEPERM M 6ds1703-8ab measuring points enlargement E Stand 1

Philips PE 1402/12 Transformer NC 4031 116 120 20

Rexroth rkl-4321 PIPING L = 4 M

Fanuc lx660-8077-t201/l8r003/B Servo Power Cable > UN! <

Heidenhain ID. No. 369124-06 Adapter Cable-UN! -

Heidenhain ID. No. 369124-06 Adapter Cable-UN! -

Heidenhain ID. No. 369124-06 Adapter Cable > UN! <

Siemens 6fx1120-7ba01 SINUMERIK Storage Assembly E Stand C

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 settlement Shear

Siemens 6fx1151-1bd01 Video Graphics Card E Stand a

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 Servo Interface E Stand a

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 Servo Interface E Stand a

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 Servo Interface E Stand a

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 Servo Interface E Stand a

Siemens 6fx1124-1cc10 Cylinder/EPROM E Stand A + 6fx1875-4bx01-3c NC Software

Siemens 6fx1124-1cc10 Cylinder/EPROM E Stand A + 6fx1875-4bx01-3c NC Software

Siemens 6fx1124-1cc10 Cylinder/EPROM E Stand A + 6fx1876-3bx01-3c Servo Software

Siemens 6fx1124-1cc10 Cylinder/EPROM E Stand A + 6fx1876-3bx01-3c Servo Software

Siemens 6fx8022-5cs06-1bc0 Performance Line-UN! -

Siemens 6sl3055-0aa00-5ba3 Sensor Modules smc20 Version G

Siemens 3ua6600-3d overload relay 200-320a with 3ux1423 Contactor

Siemens 3tb4717-0a Contactor

Siemens 6fx7002-5lm40-1af0 Performance Line-Assembled-UN! -

Siemens 6fx8002-5ca28-1ab5 Performance Line-Assembled-UN! -

Siemens 6ep1434-2ba00 SITOP Power 10 Power Supply-UN! -

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear E Stand B

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear E Stand B

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear E Stand B

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive settlement Shear E Stand B

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive 4620087701.01 scheme be Shear E Stand B

Siemens 6sn1118-0aa11-0aa0 Simodrive 4620087701.01 scheme be Shear E Stand B

Siemens Simatic s7 6es7307-1ea00-0aa0 Power Supply E-Stand 4-UN -

Siemens 6es7307-1ea00-0aa0 Power E-Stand 5 24 V-UN -

Siemens 6es5454-7la11 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 1

Siemens 6es5451-7la11 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 6-UN! -

Siemens 6fx1861-2bx03-7d SINUMERIK PLC software Eprom Module E Stand B

Siemens 6fx1861-2bx03-7d SINUMERIK PLC software Eprom Module E Stand B

Siemens 6fx1860-0bx02-7b/6fx1128-4bb10 HW SINUMERIK Memory Module E Stand a

Siemens 6fx1863-0bx01-7b/6fx1128-4bb20 HW SINUMERIK Memory Module E Stand a

Siemens 6es5454-7la11 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 2

Siemens 6es5451-4ua14 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 3

Siemens 6es5451-4ua14 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 3

Siemens 6es5451-4ua14 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 3

Siemens 6es5451-4ua14 SIMATIC Digital Output E Stand 3

Siemens 6fx1120-7ba01 Sinumerik Module E-Stand C

Siemens 6fx1151-1bd01 Video Graphics Card E-Stand B

Siemens 3tb4717-0a Contactor

Siemens 3ua6600-3d overload relay 200-320a

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 Servo Interface

Siemens 6fx1121-4ba03 Servo Interface

NSK 52215 Ball Bearings

IBC 7211.c.t.p2h.um angular contact ball bearing-UN-BNIB

SKF 7006 hochgenauigkeits angular contact ball bearings CDGA/p4a-UN-BNIB

Sapphire factory testing and me?taster M 356. 370. 001. 4 Ball Diameter 2 mm ges...

ELESA lv.f-125-aps-m24x155 nivellierelement (SET = 4 pieces) - UN! -

SKF 32018 X/Q taper roller bearing-UN-BNIB

Bosch 054092-205 Fan Line

Bosch 041532-107401 041532-101303 EPROM

Bosch B ~ IO M-DP PROFIBUS DP 1070079751-UN -

Bosch PC 200 Module 038384-103

Bosch PC 200 Relay Output Module 041192-103

Baumüller 3.8532 F Motherboard

Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 3600-i-c-b-t, S. No. S. Photo

Bosch 1070065587-206 Card 3600-i-c-b-t, S. No. S. Photo

  • 联系人: 蓝秋红 女士
  • 职位: 营销部
  • 真: 0596-3119658
  • 电话: 0181-50695049
  • 手机: 18105962658
  • 址: 福建省 漳州市 漳浦县绥安镇金浦花园