我们把机械长轴作为主轴(参考轴),各印刷机组轴为从动轴,如图1,各从动轴与主轴要满足同步关系θ1=f1(θ) ,θ2=f2(θ) ,θ3=f3(θ) ··· ,其中,θ为主轴位置转角,θ1、θ2、θ3···为从动轴位置转角。
07 AI 91 GJR5251600R0202, 07 AI 91C Analog Input Unit ABB Advant OCS 5
07 DC 91 GJR5251400R0202 Advant Controller 31 I/O Unit ABB Advant OCS 5
07 KP 93 GJR5253200R1161 07KP93B MODBUS Communication Processor, Series 90 ABB Advant OCS 2
1SAP111100R0170 TB511-ETH TB511-ETH CPU Terminal Base ABB Advant OCS 1
1SAP140100R0100 PM581 B1 PM581 Central Processing Unit ABB Advant OCS 1
1SAP240000R0001 DI524 DI524 Digital Input Module ABB Advant OCS 1
1SAP250000R0001 AX522 A AX522 Analog I/O Module ABB Advant OCS 1
1SAP250300R0001 AI523 AI523B4 AI523 Analog Input Modue ABB Advant OCS Ask
1SBP260001R1001 86AR230 A Series Server ABB Advant OCS Ask
1SBP260010R1001 07KR51 07KR51-U3.6 07KR51 Advant Controller 31 Basic Unit ABB Advant OCS 7
1SBP260011R1001 07 KR 51-P30; 07 KR 51-F12 07KR51 Advant Controller 31 Basic Unit ABB Advant OCS 2
1SBP260012R1001 07KT51 07KT51-U3.6 07KT51 Basic Unit ABB Advant OCS 2
1SBP260014R1001 07KR51-A3.6 07KR51 Advant Controller 31 Basic Unit ABB Advant OCS 28
1SBP260021R1001 07CR41-c12 Advant Controller Basic Unit ABB Advant OCS 1
1SBP260100R1001 XI16E1-b10 XI16E1-E4.0 XI16E1 Exentions Module - Digital Input ABB Advant OCS 9
1SBP260101R1001 XO08R1; XOO8R1-B04 XO08R1 Extension Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
1SBP260104R1001 XK08F1 XK08F1-A3.0 Extension I/O Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
1SBP260105R1001 XO16N1-b20 XO16N1-C3.0 XO16N1 Digital Output Module ABB Advant OCS 3
1SBP260110R1001 XC32L1 XC32L1-B4.0 Extension I/O Module ABB Advant OCS 1
1SBP260150R1001 TC50 TC50 Control Panel ABB Advant OCS 2
1SBP260512R1001 ICMK14F1 ICMK14F1-I09 ICMK14F1 Remote Unit ABB Advant OCS Ask
1SVR440621R5200 LM012 LM012-CXE18RAC LM012 I/O Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
200-BPN 492897301 ABB Series 200 Backplane ABB Advant OCS 4
200-C1485G 492897601 RS485 Communication Interface Module ABB Advant OCS 1
200-CICN 492897801 Communication Interface - Control Net ABB Advant OCS Ask
200-CIE 492897701 Communication Interface Internet ABB Advant OCS 1
200-PSMG 492898801 Power Supply Module ABB Advant OCS 1
3BSC950019R1 TK520V030 TK520V030 Serial Printer Cable ABB Advant OCS 1
3BSC950055R1 TK576V050 Cable Assembly 5m (16 ft). AUI to AUI port ABB Advant OCS 6
3BSC950056R1 TK576V115 Cable Assembly 15m (49 ft). AUI to AUI port ABB Advant OCS
3BSC950098R1 Cable ABB Advant OCS 8
3BSE016239R1 PM510V08 PM510V08 Processor Module for Master Software ABB Advant OCS Ask
3BSE016240R1 PM510V16 PM510V16 Processor Module for Master Software ABB Advant OCS Ask
AI620 3BHT300005R1 Analog Input ABB Advant OCS 1
AO610 3BHT300008R1 Analog Output Module ABB Advant OCS 3
AX670 3BSE000566R1 Analog Mixed Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
CI520V1 3BSE012869R1 CI520V1 AF100 Interface Module ABB Advant OCS 12
CI522 3BSE012790R1 CI522 AF100 Interface ABB Advant OCS 1
CI522A 3BSE018283R1 Advant AF100 Interface ABB Advant OCS 9
CI526 3BSE006085R1 CI526 Interface Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
CI532V02 3BSE003827R1 MODBUS Interface ABB Advant OCS Ask
CI532V04 3BSE003829R1 Allen-Bradley Interface ABB Advant OCS 1
CI540 3BSE001077R1 CI540 S100 I/O Bus Extension ABB Advant OCS 2
CI560 3BUC98002R0001 TRIO Field Bus Interface Module ABB Advant OCS 1
CI570 3BSE001440R1 CI570 MasterFieldbus Controller ABB Advant OCS 1
CI610 3BHT300003R1 I/O Bus Extender ABB Advant OCS 4
CI615K01 3BSE000756R1 Bus Extension Kit ABB Advant OCS 2
CI627 CI627 Communication Interface Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
CI630 3BSE011000R1 CI630 Communication Interface ABB Advant OCS 2
CI670 3BHT300017R1 Master Fieldbus Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
CI810B 3BSE020520R1 CI810B AF100 Field Communication Interface ABB Advant OCS 1
CI820-2 3BSE013202A1 CI820 Internal Module ABB Advant OCS 1
CS512 3BUR980009R1 CS512 DCN Interface Module ABB Advant OCS 11
CS513 3BSE000435R1 MasterBus 300E Communications Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
CS513K02 3BSE004773R1 MasterBus 300E Communications Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
CS513K04 3BSE055760R1 MasterBus 300/300E Comm. Interface for RJ45 ABB Advant OCS Ask
DI621 3BHT300012R1 Digital Input ABB Advant OCS 18
DO610 3BHT00006R1 Digital Output Module ABB Advant OCS 9
DO630 3BHT300007R1 Digital Output Module ABB Advant OCS 4
DSAI 133 57120001-PS Analog Input Board 32 Channels ABB Advant OCS 3
DSAI110 57120001-DP DSAI 110 Analog Input Module ABB Advant OCS 18
DSAI130 57120001-P Analog Input Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
DSAI145 5712001-HA RTD Input Module ABB Advant OCS 1
DSAI146 3BSE007949R1 RTD Input Module ABB Advant OCS Ask
DSAI155 57120001-HZ Thermocouple Module ABB Advant OCS 10
DSAI155A 3BSE014162R1 Thermocouple Module ABB Advant OCS Ask