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您当前的位置: 世铝网 铝业设备 包装设备 IE3102继电模块 1


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B 2 chip memory module

B 6ES5234-1AD11

B 4 chip memory module

B 6ES5240-1AA11

B S5 135U IP240 Counting and positioning module

B 6ES5240-1AA12

B S5 135U IP240 Counting and positioning module

B 6ES5240-1AA21

B S5 135U IP240 Counting and positioning module

B 6ES5241-1AA11

B S5 135U IP241 digital position decoder, requires sensor module

B 6ES5241-1AA12

B S5 135U IP241 digital position decoder, requires sensor module

B 6ES5241-1AB11

B S5 135U IP241 sensor module, incremental

B 6ES5241-1AC11

B S5 135U IP241 sensor module, digital (gray code)

B 6ES5241-1AD11

B S5 135U IP241 sensor module, digital (dual / BCD code)

B 6ES5241-1AE11

B S5 135U IP241 sensor module, analog

B 6ES5242-1AA12

B S5 135U IP242 Counter module compact version

B 6ES5242-1AA13

B S5 135U IP242 Counter module compact version

B 6ES5242-1AA31

B S5 135U IP242 Counter module

B 6ES5242-1AA32

B S5 135U IP242 Counter module 24 bit

B 6ES5242-1AA41

B S5 135U IP242 Counter module 32 bit

B 6ES5243-1AA11

B S5 135U IP243 analog module full configeration

B 6ES5243-1AB11

B S5 135U IP243 analog module

B 6ES5243-1AB13

B S5 135U IP243-3 Analog module D/A , A/D, 8in, 8 out

B 6ES5244-3AA11

B S5 135U IP244 temperature card

B 6ES5244-3AA12

B S5 135U IP244 temperature card

B 6ES5244-3AA13

B S5 135U IP244 compact temperature controller

B 6ES5244-3AA21

B S5 135U IP244 temperature card

B 6ES5244-3AA22

B S5 135U IP244 temperature card

B 6ES5244-3AB31

B S5 135U IP244 temperature control module, 13*thermocouple, 8*PT100, 18 outs

B 6ES5245-1AA12

B S5 135U IP245 Valve control module F. P

B 6ES5246-4UA11

  • 联系人: 欧阳 先生
  • 职位: 销售
  • 真: 0592-5917519
  • 电话: 0592-5709821
  • 手机: 18030229050
  • 址: 福建省 厦门市 厦门市海沧区沧湖东一里502号702室之一