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BASLER DECS-100-B15/1746-NO8V

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BASLER DECS-100-B15/1746-NO8V     

BASLER DECS-100-B15/1746-NO8V     

BASLER DECS-100-B15/1746-NO8V     

Newly ListedHP Agilent 5086-7461 Pulse Filter Microcircuit for 54121A Test Set Industrial

HP Agilent E8251-60075 Analog Output TBR Plug-In Board Assembly


HP Agilent 5087-7004 50877004 RF out Sampler U

From Philippines

Agilent 5087-7724 50GHz Coupler Assembly

5086-7465 Agilent/HP Microcircuit-Amplifier Switch Bias Board Assembly for 86222

HP/Agilent 5060-0049 Extender Board for 5087A 15 pos'n

Agilent 5087-6183 Routing Yig Tuned Harmonic Mixer

Agilent N5230C PNA-L Network Analyzer, 10MHz-~20GHz

Free Repair Evaluation of Agilent N5230A Network Analyzer

Agilent HP 5086-7583 Low Band Microcircuit Assembly

Customs services and international tracking provided

Agilent HP N5230A PNA-L Network Analyzer


From India

Agilent PRG-5087-7067 - RF Path Switch

Agilent HP 5087- 7137 STATIC SENSITIVE

Agilent HP 5087-7027 electronic switch and Agilent 33321 60044

Agilent 5087-7098 Low Distortion Amplifiers

HP - Agilent 5087A Service - operating Manual

From Greece

HP/Agilent 5087-6299 Mixer Brick

Agilent PRG-5087-7703- RF Path Switch

HP/Agilent 5086-7490 Doubler Microcircuit for 85047A

5086-7465 TBR Microcircuit - Amplifier Switch Assembly

HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used in 8753ES

HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Solid State RF Switch used

HP/Agilent 5087-7007 Test Port Coupler

Agilent 5087-7032 Low Band Microwave Mixer Assembly

Customs services and international tracking provided

HP/Agilent 5087-7714 Quattro Solid State Switch for N5230A N5230C

HP Agilent 5087A/034 Distribution Amplifier - 4 x single 5-MHz input

Fresh NIST Calibration, 30-day warranty

Agilent 5086-7885 TBR Switch Local Oscillator Distribution Amplifier

Customs services and international tracking provided

Agilent 5087-7032 Low Band Microwave Mixer Assembly

Customs services and international tracking provided

HP Agilent 5088-7049 Limiter 26.5Ghz Microcircuit

Agilent HP 5086-7855 TBR Switch Local Oscillator Distribution Amplifier

Customs services and international tracking provided

HP/Agilent 5086-7583 Low Band Microcircuit Assembly

HP Agilent 5087A/034 Distribution Amplifier - 4 x single 5-MHz input

Fresh NIST Calibration, 30-day warranty

HP Agilent 1818-2094 Memory Microcircuit NOS

HP Agilent 5087-7073 UTG YIG Oscillator 2.9-7.1GHz Replaced 5087-7790 for 4395A

Agilent 5087-7747 IMIX

HP/Agilent 5086-7461 Pulse Filter Microcircuit

HP/Agilent 5060-0049 Extender Board for 5087A

Customs services and international tracking provided

HP/Agilent 5087-7067 Soild State RF Switch

HP / Agilent 5086-7299 1.5 GHz, LP Filter, SMA (F)

HP/Agilent 5088-7049 Microcircuit 26.5 GHz

Agilent 5086-6471 TBR Step Generator

Agilent 5087-7098 Low Distortion Amplifiers

AGILENT E8361-20061 E8361-63061 ENCODER BOARD FOR N5230A PNA-L

Agilent HP 08360-60222 ALC TBR Board assembly

Agilent 5086-7650 TBR Input - Amplifier

Customs services and international tracking provided

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