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GE:IC693  IC695  IC697系列 

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Siemens 6DD,6FC,6SN,6FC,6S5系列,Foxboro系统卡件,



AEG load protector with frame terminals 220 V DC LS107.12

AEG Logistat A010 /220V 7628-042.219743.01

AEG Logistat A030 7628-219782.07

AEG MBB Gelma Panel PPC-M1 20300024-92658-015

AEG Memory Module 6051-042.236041.04 Dap 102 6051-042.236041 04

AEG Memory Module 6051-042.239683 CMOS-RAM Sfc 6504 256kbyte PCB Rev.04

AEG Memory Module SCU 150 23648 348kB RAM 6051-042.239648 Rev.05

AEG Memory Module Scu 150 239666 192kB RAM 6051-042.239666 Rev.05

AEG Memory Module SFC 6503 B500-memory RAM 384K 239686 Rev.04

AEG Modicon 200 CPU 28kB E 24 VDC 0.5 A 6728-042.244690

AEG Modicon ALU 286 6051-042.244603 CPU512KEP (244603)

AEG Modicon DAP 102 248.211

AEG Modicon KP1-E 6058-042.249650

AEG Modicon Output Module AS-B838-032

AEG Modicon PC-E984-785 (PCE984785)

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker 257481 Starter Mbs25 910-201-202-060 0,25 -0, 4 A

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker 257489 Starter 0,4 -0, 63A 910-201-203-060 Mbs25 Hs9

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker 257496 Motor Starter Mbs25 910-201-204-060 0,63 -1 A

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker Mbs 25 4-6, 3 A 910-201-208-000

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker Mbs 25 910-201-208-000 4-6, 3 A

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker Mbs 25 Manual Starter 0,4 -0, 63A 910-201-203 254189

AEG Motor Circuit Breaker Mbs 25 Manual Starter 1,6 -2, 5A 910-201-206 254220

AEG MWA 16PN 6051-042.194970 (194970)

AEG Output Module 6051-042.248276 DAP 106 16 Digital O/P 2A Rev.04

AEG Output Module DAU 109 277506 8 Analog O 6061-042.277506

AEG Overcurrent Release Type bw50 over-Current + Siemens Contactor 3TA24 220V

AEG power regulator 2AX 400-30 H

AEG Power Supply DNP 155 239639 24 5v 6051-042.239639 Rev.09

AEG Power Supply DNP 155 24 5v 239639 6051-042.239639 Rev.06

AEG Power Supply DNP 205 Power Supply 6728-042.244643 24 5v Rev.

AEG Power Supply Fdcm 0801/24/Sig 393-010-04 .03 AEG Svg 111

AEG Processor CPU Aluminium 152 276.438 1.2MB Modnet1 / Sfb 6390-042.276438 Unit

AEG Processor KP 1 Processor Modnet 2 6058-042.211156 Revision 16 Unit

AEG Protect B. PRO B. 750 PRO with Battery

AEG Rack Module DTA 113 Rack with PAB1 I/O (7328-042.248905)

AEG Rack Module DTA 113 Rack With PAB1 I/O 7328-042.248905 Rev.05 3060586

AEG Rackmodul 5084 DZL-042.243 147.02 Rack Slot Module Dls Module 19 Inputs

AEG Rel S Insulation Überwachungsgerät Rs 261-124 RS261-124

AEG RS 232 C CPU ALU153-1 276447 (6065-042.277520)

AEG RZU 800 A853-B 0957-116600 Geamatics E

AEG Schneider Digital Output DAP 112 N 32 Dig.o / P 6051-042.704697

AEG Schneider Digital Output DAP 112 N 6051-042.704697 32 Dig.o / P

AEG Schneider Electric ALUMINIUM 200 Central Unit 4.0K PC-BALU-200

AEG Schneider Tsx Compact Aluminium 200/AS-BALU-200

AEG Schütz SH4.22E (SH 4.22E) 230V 50Hz 10-Piece

AEG Speicher-überwachungsmodul Scu 150 23648 Watchdog 6051-042.239648 348kB RAM

AEG Speicher-überwachungsmodul Scu 150-2 Watchdog 6051-042.239648 Damaged


AEG Video Processor 239668 B500 6058-042.239668 VPU 852 Rev.09

AEG Video-Interface 239035 Video Controller VCU 851 B500-video-controller

AEG Wireless Adapter Thyro-P Bluetooth 2000003700 AE00

Aerotech BA Servo Amplifier BA20 Series (BA20-160)

Aerotech BA Servo Amplifier BA20 Series (BA20-160-S)

Aerzen control panel AS200 Y03AER02.00 (AS 200)

Agie Manually Operated Device RC 123 716121.9 Keyboard Panel CNC

Agie Motorenantrieb 149 922.7 DMD-02A 149.882 B Direct Current Motor Driver

Agie Versorgungsplatine 616181.6 SUS-02 D Control Card Supply Stage Platine

Agie Wire Distributor WID-06A 149912.8 Control Card Platine

Agie WTD-01 A2 Wire Touch Device Control Card 149852 Board Agiecontrol 149862.5

A'Gramkow Display 012-715001

Ahs Bautz DC-642-T-B10202 Servo Motor E 642 Mgb K 0300-4 + Intorq BFK457-06

Airflow Pressure Transmitter PTLNZ-K 2,5K

Airtec 5-Wege Solenoid Valve KF-10-530-HN+23-M-09-17-412-R

Airtec 5-Wege Solenoid Valve KF-10-530-HNX-XXX+23-M-09-17-412-R Valve

Airtec Filter Regulator FRX-12-10-5-1121 Pneumatic 16 BAR 230 Psi

Airtec KF-10-510-HNX-XXX Directional Control Valve 5/2 Solenoid 23-M-09-17-412

Airtec KM-10-530-HN Solenoid Valve + SP011 Valve G1/4 5/3 Pneumatic

Airtec Re-19/10-2482-01 Re 19 10-2482-01 Multipol Ventilterminal Valve Terminal

Airtec Re-19/10-m-1 Re 19 10-M-1 Multipol Ventilterminal Valve Terminal Island

Airtec Re-19/12-2482-01 Re 19 12-2482-01 Multipol Ventilterminal Valve Terminal

Airtec Re-19/12-m-1 Re 19 12-M-1 Multipol Ventilterminal Valve Terminal Island

Airtec Re-19/16-m-1 Re 19 16-M-1 Multipol Ventilterminal Valve Terminal Island

AIS Touch-Panel-Computer IPW10ID3S-H1-POE-PCT-HB-4GB 10,1 " Panel PC Damaged

AIS Touch-Panel-Computer IPW10ID3S-H1-POE-P-H 10,1 " Panel PC Defective 12V

Akapp-Stemmann Pantograph CL7-7-70/G Konecranes Collector 52341390

AKB EvoMation Tape Bunker 230V 50Hz 5VA BB-01-B-80

Albany Door Systems Express Run Roller Gate RP300

Albany Door Systems MP300 (EN 13241-1)

Allweiler Pressure Relief Valve DVI38E-W132 76655/01 DVI Indirectly

Alpha Funkwerk Neustadt Binärprüfkarte BPK001 24V Dc Binary Test Card Module

Alpha Planetary Gear LP 070-m01-5 -111-000 Transmission Ratio 5

Alpha Transmission Construction Wittenstein LP 120-M01-5 LP 120-M01-5-111-000

Alphair Pneumatic Rotary Drive 076 F05/07 Q17 (076F05/07Q17)

Alpma Alpenland Engineering Gmbh Magnetic Coil 0054020032 0054.020.032

Alre antifreeze thermostat JTF-21

Alsthom Parvex AMS 0300515

Alsthom Parvex AMS 2301020

Alsthom Parvex CMS 325-701

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