品牌:安川 | 规格: | 产地:日本 |
ZhongHaiDe (Fujian) Industrial Equipment Co., established in 2014 in Fuzhou, is a leading equipment supplier in the field of automation in China.
Our company distributes globally renowned brand industrial automation products mainly from Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries,such as ABB, Foxboro, Yaskawa, Sew and so on.
Among all these companies, Yaskawa as a world class Transmission Product Manufacturers from Japan, which has a history more than 100 years. It provide a lot kinds of products, such as inverters, servo drives, controllers and robots. It can provides our customers a lot of choices.
With professional and first-class technology and business team, our company provides customers with high quality products and perfect after-sales service. And we he formed a mature model for service of system users. It has realized the humanization of services, the simplification of processes and the standardization of management, effectively helping customers extend the life cycle of electrical equipment and reduce Operating costs, control the risk of stop production, increase production efficiency!
Our products are reliable and cost-effective, if you want to know more about our products, just click here: http://www.zhdfj.com/. or: fjzhdcm@outlook.com or ayj897463393@gmail.com. also you can add wechat :13376990653. QQ:3004650323 We’re looking forward to your visit.
QJ71LP21G MELSECNET/10H 模块,50GI 光纤,双环
QJ72LP25G MELSECNET/10H 模块,远程站50GI 光纤
QJ71LP21GE MELSECNET/10H 模块,62.5GI 光纤,双环
QJ72LP25GE MELSECNET/10H 模块,远程站62.5GI 光纤
QJ71BR11 MELSECNET/10H 模块,75Ω同轴电缆, 单总线
QJ72BR15 MELSECNET/10H 模块,远程站75Ω同轴电缆
QJ6111N CC-LINK 模块,主站/本地站
QJ71AS92 AS-I主站模块
QJ71MB91 Modbus Master/Sle模块,1通道RS232,1通道RS422/RS485
QJ71MT91 Modbus TCP/IP 模块
QJ71PB92V ProfiBus-DP (Master)
QJ71PB93D ProfiBus-DP (Sle)
QJ71DN91 DeviceNet (Master)
Q80BD-J71GP21-SX PCI总线/PCI-X总线的计算机CC-Link IE模块,光纤
Q80BD-J71GP21S-SX PCI总线/PCI-X总线的计算机CC-Link IE模块,光纤,外
Q81BD-J71LP21-25 PCI Express总线的计算机MELSECNET/10H 模块,光纤
Q80BD-J71LP21-25 PCI总线的计算机MELSECNET/10H 模块,光纤
Q80BD-J71LP21S-25 PCI总线的计算机MELSECNET/10H 模块,光纤,外部供电
Q80BD-J71BR11 PCI总线的计算机MELSECNET/10H 模块,同轴电缆
Q81BD-J6111 PCI Express总线的计算机CC-LINK接口,主站/本地站
Q80BD-J6111N PCI总线的计算机CC-LINK接口,主站/本地站
QG60 用于I/O 糟的空盖 -[连接电缆]
QC30R2 用于个人计算机和CPU 连接的RS-232 电缆
Q6HLD-R2 防止RS-232连接线脱落的支架
A6RCON-R75 同轴总线用75欧姆终端电阻
Q6TA32 给32点I/O 模块用, 0.5MM2 (AWG20
Q6TA32-TOL 只用于Q6TA32 的工具
Q6TE-18S 用于16点输入输出0.3~1.5mm?(AWG22~16)给水水压不稳引发的盐箱补水过少,吸盐过少,正洗不足,其中任何一项都可造成该次再生后出水硬度超标,影响软水箱水质。在盐箱中的盐少时,未能及时添加,造成某次再生的效果不佳。操作不当,在某次再生过程中关闭给水阀。以上错误中任何一项均可造成短时间大量超标水注水软水箱,需要合格软水长时间稀释超标水才可使软水箱中的水重新达标。在软水设备的取样口多次检测,均不合格,将此情况分为新装软水设备初次试水硬度超标及在用软水设备硬度超标分别讨论:新装软水设备初次试水硬度超标的原因:a中心管与控制阀交接处的O形密封圈未形成密封,此时应检查:中心管的长度是否够,外径是否符合要求;是否忘记装O形密封圈;O形密封圈是否破损;b中心管上破损,有裂纹。