产地:syhh0015 |
5D32191G01 Power Supply
MultiBus P/S MPS512-PFC for 486 WS DPU w/ 3A99116G01
MDPS 115VAC 85
5D32191G02 Power Supply
MultiBus P/S MPS512-PFC for 486 WS DPU w/ 3A99116G01
MDPS 230VAC 74
5D92481G06 Power Supply HC Power Inc HS1244-C1353 0
5D92830G01 Relay Panel Form C, KUEP, 16 fuses (for H/S assembly) 8
5D92848G01 Transceiver
Ethernet 10Mbit/sec Transceiver unit (MAU) - Ethernet Tap
Bracket Assy 20
5X00006H12 Cartridge Tran 20Gape Cartridge 3
5X00058G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00059G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Input Module 1
5X00062G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00063G01 Analog Module Ovation Hart Analog Output Module 1
5X00082H12 Cartridge Sony 1/2 Data Cartridge 4
5X00105G01 Board Ovation Control Board 2
5X00117H02 Keyboard SUN UNIX (US) Type 6 Keyboard and Mouse 5
5X00117H03 Keyboard SUN USype 6 Keyboard and Mouse 5
5X00117H04 Memory 256MB DRAM Expansion For Sun Blade 100 5
5X00117H06 Drive Hard Disk 20GB EIDE for Sun Blade 100 5
5X00128G01 Monitor 22/20" NEC CRT (20.1" LCD replacement solution) 5
5X00134G01 Sun Workstation
SUN Microsystems Blade 100 (configured to customer spec w/
or w/o PGI) 5
5X00134G02 Sun Workstation
SUN Microsystems Blade 150 (configured to customer spec w/
or w/o PGI) 5
5X00178G01 Monitor 20.1" LCD Monitor 5
1P00049G01 2QOL QOL G01 card 2
5X00286H13 Mouse 2-button Optical corded USB mouse 1
5X00290G01 Monitor 21/20" NEC CRT (20.1" LCD replacement solution) 5
7379A06G82 2QCI13 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 3QCI1 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 3QCI3 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 1
7379A06G02 4QCI2 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 42
7379A06G02 4QCI3 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 2
7379A06G02 4QCI4 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 15
3A99160G02 6QCI1 QCI G02 Contact Closure Input card 114
7379A13G01 QPA QPA G01 Pulse Accumulator card 0
7379A13G04 6QPA8 QPA G04 Pulse Accumulator card 48V sub Y 4
7379A21G01 5Q4 Q G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5Q9 Q G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 1
7379A21G01 5Q14 Q G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G01 5Q19 Q G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 10
7379A21G01 6Q16 Q G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
3A99164G01 8Q1 Q G01 Analog Input Point card - -5 to +20mVDC, 500ohm 7
7379A21G02 5Q20 Q G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 4
7379A21G02 6Q12 Q G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 18
7379A21G02 6Q17 Q G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 33
3A99164G02 8Q2 Q G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 75
3A99164G50 8Q4 Q G02 Analog Input Point card - -12.5 to +50mVDC, 500ohm 9
7379A21G03 5Q21 Q G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 1
3A99164G50 8Q4 Q G03 Analog Input Point card - -25 to +100mVDC, 1Kohm 0
7379A28G02 4QAM6
QAM G02 Auto/Manual Stn Ctrlr card - 0 to +20mA, 0 to +5VDC
(output) 2
7379A28G02 4QAM7
QAM G02 Auto/Manual Stn Ctrlr card - 0 to +20mA, 0 to +5VDC
(output) 2
7379A29G01 3QDT1 QDT Diagnostic Test card 7
7379A29G01 3QDT1 QDT Diagnostic Test card w/ 4256A36G01 1QDTD1 daughter 3
7379A31G01 3QAW5 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 3
7379A31G01 5QAW7 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 1
/ 6QAW13 QAW G01 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +1VDC 0
7379A31G02 7QAW2 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 1
7379A31G02 7QAW9 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 11
7379A31G02 7QAW15 QAW G02 Analog High-Level Input Point card - 0 to +5VDC 3