★可测试硬度制:HL、 HRC、HRB、HV、HB、HS
★测试精度:HLD:±6 HRC:±1 HB:±4
★可选冲击装置:D/ C /DC / D+15 / DL/ G
★电源:3.7V 充电电池Li-ion, 800mAh
★充电器:5V USB充电
★重 量:0.22Kg
One, product characteristics
★thin shell, is in our hands
★to adapt to a variety of percussion device and 6 kinds of Hardness Conversion
Of large and clear digital display
★rechargeable lithium ion battery, support USB charging
★optional PC software, has perfect function of database. Support data query, data storage, statistics, histogram display display.
In two, the product function
★through key selection of test materials, hardness standards, testing and testing frequency direction;
★can realize six kinds of hardness ( HLD, HRB, HRC, HB, HV, HS ) conversion between;
★ can be repeatedly showed that the test results, and can be automatically or manually delete misoperation test results;
★can output single test or the overall average of all output data storage;
Automatic detection battery voltage, battery low voltage alarm, power consumption in a state test that icon;
★rich status bar display, display, Bluetooth, buzzer wrong information, time, battery power and other state;
Three, technical indicators
★can test hardness: HL, HRC, HRB, HV, HB, HS
★test accuracy of± 6 HRC:: HLD: HB: 4± 1±
★standard impact device: D impact device
★set the upper and lower limits measurement range: ( 170 ~ 960 ) HLD
★optional percussion device: D/ C /DC / D+15 / DL/ G
★can be equipped as an impact device: any number of
★computer interface: USB2.0
★Description: full Chinese menu
On screen display: 128*64 dot matrix LCD, with backlight, can adjust contrast
★test directions: support 360 ( vertical, inclined down, horizontal, inclined, vertical )
★data storage: can store 100 sets of test data
Measurement of maximum hardness of workpiece. Values: 940HV ( D/DC/DL/D+15/C impact device )
The number of test material: cast steel, alloy tool steel, grey cast iron, ductile cast iron, cast aluminum alloy, copper zinc alloys ( brass ), an alloy of copper and tin, copper ( bronze ).
Power: rechargeable battery of 3.7V Li-ion, 800mAh
★charger: 5V USB charging
★dimensions: 175 x 77 x 35mm
★weight: 0.22Kg