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弹性喷丸镜面抛光机shot peening 。用弹性喷丸进行离心甩射在模具表面处理,弹性喷射打击力大,清理效果明显。弹性喷丸对薄板工件的处理,使工件不会变形,是现有的工件表面处理方法中,清理效果佳。弹性镜面喷丸适用于工件表面要求较高的清理,多用于异性模具端面镜面抛光作业。

Elastic shot blasting mirror polishing machine. Centrifugal ejection is carried out on the mold surface, the jet force is big, the cleaning effect is obvious. For sheet metal parts, the workpiece will not be deformed, is the best polishing process. The elastic mirror shot blasting can be used for cleaning the surface of the workpiece, which is used for polishing the surface of the opposite end of the opposite sex.

  • 联系人: 胡经理 女士
  • 职位: 经理
  • 真: 0512-36615636
  • 电话: 01377-3151623
  • 手机: 17751724112
  • 址: 江苏省 苏州市 江苏省昆山市周市镇新镇路698号